The semi -annual performance forecast of listed Xiamen enterprises has been released!These data are dazzling →

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.07.19

Xiamen's tungsten industry is expected to revenue about 24.158 billion yuan, an increase of 69.85% year -on -year

Xiamen Tungsten New Energy is expected to revenue about 14.302 billion yuan, an increase of 117.75% year -on -year

Yilian Network is expected to revenue of 2.228 billion yuan to 2.393 billion yuan, an increase of 35%-45%year-on-year

Lidaxin is expected to have a net profit of 268 million yuan to 295 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 51%-66%

Holly Technology is expected to belong to shareholders of listed companies with a net profit of 15.5 million yuan-18.5 million yuan, an increase of 46.06%-74.33%year-on-year

The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies is 13 billion yuan to 140 million yuan, which is 100%-116%year-on-year

Tubing International's expected revenue will increase by no less than 35% year -on -year

In the past few days, many listed Xiamen enterprises have been released in the semi -annual performance forecast. From the perspective of data, the new energy track is still high; some electronic information companies, especially in the field of optoelectronics, are eye -catching; the clothing field has briefly recovered.

New Energy Circuit data is the brighter

Among the many forecasts, new energy companies have the most eye -catching data. Xiamen's tungsten industry released the first half of the year's performance. It is expected that operating income is about 24.158 billion yuan, an increase of 69.85%year -on -year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies is about 912 million yuan, an increase of 32.54%year -on -year. Thanks to the rapid development of the new energy industry, the sales volume of Xiamen tungsten industry triple materials has increased significantly year -on -year. Among them, high -voltage ternary materials have increased significantly year -on -year due to the obvious cost -effective advantage.

Xiamen Tungsten New Energy Express in the first half of the year shows that the company is expected to achieve operating income of about 14.302 billion yuan, an increase of 117.75%year -on -year; net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company is about 532 million yuan, an increase of 112.19%year -on -year. Benefiting from the increase in terminal demand, due to its significant advantages in performance, safety, cost and other aspects of Xiamen Tungsten high -voltage vehicle ternary materials, sales volume has increased significantly. At present, the company's lithium cobaltate has the number one global market share.

The performance forecast of Holly Technology shows that it is expected to belong to the shareholders of listed companies in the first half of the year, a net profit of 15.5 million yuan to 18.5 million yuan, an increase of 46.06%-74.33%year-on-year. At present, Holly Technology grasps the "dual carbon" policy and the growth needs of the new energy industry. On the basis of consolidating the main business, it will increase the investment of power products and actively expand the business in the new energy field. In the first half of the year There is a significant increase.

Some photoelectric companies have risen

The highlights of electronic information companies are frequent. Yilian's network performance forecast shows that the market demand in the first half of the year has continued to improve, and the rise in the US dollar exchange rate has also had a positive impact on the company's performance. It is expected that operating income is 2.228 billion yuan to 2.393 billion yuan, an increase of 35%-45%over the same period last year. ; Realizing net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1.088 billion yuan to 11.69 billion yuan, an increase of 35%-45%over the same period last year.

Data show that in the first half of the year, the raw materials, logistics prices in the field of photoelectric fell, and changes in exchange rate changes, which brought a positive impact on the improvement of some companies' profits. According to the forecast of the Optoelectronics Performance, it is expected that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first half of the year is 13 billion yuan to 140 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 100%-116%; the net profit after deducting non-recurring profit and loss is 131 million yuan -1.41 100 million yuan, an increase of 136%-154%year-on-year.

The city's LED lighting products have been exported to the "champion" for many years, Lidaxin, and the latest performance forecast released shows that it is expected that net profit will be 268 million yuan to 295 million yuan in the first half of the year, and net profit will increase by 51%-66%year-on-year.

Costume retail brief recovery

Data show that the retail retail sales in the first half of the year briefly recovered. Tubu International leads the industry in the first half of the year. It is expected that revenue in the first half of the year is expected to increase by no less than 35%year -on -year. Since the beginning of this year, the specialty brand and Tibu children's business have made breakthroughs in product innovation, retail channel upgrades, and brand awareness improvement, bringing considerable order orders.

In the first half of the year, the retail sales of most brand products under Anta Sports are also expected to achieve double -digit growth.

(Xiamen Daily reporter Li Xiaoping intern Liu Chenglu)

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