Seize the timing of stabilizing the rebound and draw out the upward curve of the Chinese economy

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.07.19

Stop the decline, stand up to stress, stabilize, and pick up! This is a positive change in the semi -annual report of the China Economic Report just released by the National Bureau of Statistics.

The main indicators in April fell in depth. The decline in the main economic indicators in May was narrowed, and the economic stabilization rose in June. In the second quarter, GDP (GDP in China) increased by 0.4%year -on -year; GDP increased by 2.5%year -on -year in the first half of the year.

Since this year, China's economic development has been extremely unusual. The international environment is becoming more complicated and severe. Domestic epidemics are distributed, and the excellent factors have brought serious impact, and the new downward pressure on the economy has increased. From the central government to the local area, a series of policy measures are punching, practical measures, and unprecedented efforts; from market players to employees, they have made hard work and wisdom.

This economic "answer sheet" that responds to risks and challenges is still writing, and the semi -annual report has shown a trajectory of stable economic operations.

At the macro level, the economic market has stabilized. Looking at the three major industries, summer grains have been harvested again, with a total output of 294.8 billion kg, an increase of 2.87 billion kg; industrial operations are accelerated, and the national unified power generation increases by 4%year -on -year; the service industry has improved. Rise to 61%. Looking at the "three -driving carriage", the investment is intensified. The number of new projects in the first five months increased by 26.1%year -on -year; exports increased rapidly, exports of 11.14 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, a year -on -year increase of 13.2%; consumption recovered steadily. Consumption was obviously recovered. In June, the box office of the national movie increased sharply by 1.7 times compared with the previous month. Careful people will find that many industries have begun to show the "smile curve".

At the micro level, employment, prices, and income are related to everyone's livelihood protection. In the first half of the year, 6.54 million new employment nationwide employed nationwide. Since May, the national urban survey unemployment rate has declined for two consecutive months. Some job seekers have found that the re -production of enterprises has accelerated, and many employers have restarted the recruitment plan that had been suspended or delayed before. The per capita disposable income of residents across the country increased by 3%year -on -year, winning economic growth. Residents' confidence in income enhances, and the commercial district streets that once "in the cold" are returning to "familiar appearance." The consumer price (CPI) across the country rose 1.7%year -on -year, maintaining a mild trend, and in terms of global perspective, it is significantly lower than the level of European and American countries.

Under the background of the sharp rise in international energy prices, the global grain market, the inflation of the major economies such as the United States and Europe, and the high inflation of the United States and Europe, and the various types of sudden factors exceeded the expected, the toughness of the Chinese economy was once again revealed -in the first half of the year The volume reached 56 trillion yuan, and the total economic volume of 2021 went to the 110 trillion yuan steps. The tonnage of economic ships, deep water, and stability of sailing were long. The long -term accumulated strong material foundation and the advantages of the large market size, the huge depth and turning space brought by the vast area, as the development prospects and potential of the world's largest developing countries, have increased China's confidence and confidence in various risks and challenges.

The development of development has never been smooth. The Chinese economy has maintained a steady growth, and it still has to work hard. The more you face risks and challenges, the more you work together to seize the favorable opportunity of economic stability and recovery, and consolidate the foundation of economic recovery.

After countless storms, the sea of ​​China's economy is still there. As the epidemic prevention and control situation is good and the policy effect continues to appear, the government, enterprises, and market entities are trying to make it one place, and China will continue to restore the development trend and draw up the upward curve!

(Li Jie, the author is the overseas version of the People's Daily)

Original title: Stability! The Chinese Economic Half -annual Daily shows a positive situation (Wanghai Tower)

"People's Daily Overseas Edition" (01st version of July 19, 2022)

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