Hong Kong and Taiwan cavity: cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, who dares to stop?

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.07.20


"2022 Shanghai Taipei City Forum" on the 19th in the form of video, from China News Service

"2022 Shanghai Taipei City Forum" was held on July 19. At the moment when cross -strait relations are severe and complex and have the impact of the new crown pneumonia, the "Shuangcheng Forum" and the previous 14th Straits Forum overcome resistance as scheduled, showing the sincerity and efforts of the mainland to promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations as ever, and also reflect the reflection Cross -strait compatriots strengthen the mainstream public opinion of exchanges and cooperation.

Before the "Shuangcheng Forum" was held, the Taipei City Democratic Party members had difficulty in Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe, saying that the forum should be suspended. Ke Wenzhe returned. If the DPP authorities feel that the "Double City Forum" does not need to do it, "then Cai Yingwen is invited to stop cross -strait trade and withdraw all the Taiwanese on the mainland." Essence Ke Wenzhe can make the most sophisticated DPP eat, not because of the better mouth, but because of the irrefutable fact: cross -strait exchanges and cooperation are related to the fundamental interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait. Who dares to stop?

At present, cross -strait trade accounts for more than 40 % of the total exports of Taiwan, and Taiwan will get more than 100 billion US dollars each year. After the DPP came to power, the cross -strait exchanges shouted and killed, but the number of trade on both sides of the strait did not decrease, which shows that the exchanges and cooperation between cross -strait exchanges and cooperation are unstoppable. This is why the DPP had discredited the cross -strait economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA), but after taking office, he did not dare to abandon it.

In addition to the economy, all aspects of social life on both sides of the strait have already shown the development trend of integration. If cross -strait exchanges are stopped, it will not only cause millions of compatriots on both sides of the strait to suffer, but also will cause the people of the people on the island to change and the quality of life will fall. In fact, most Taiwanese compatriots have been in this heart. In recent years, the polls on cross -strait relations on Taiwan Island have been polls for cross -strait relations. They are almost 70 % of the people's opinions on cross -strait exchanges and peaceful development regardless of the blue -green think tanks or media. The same is true of the committee's polls.

The benefits brought by cross -strait exchanges and cooperation are obvious to all. Taking the "Shuangcheng Forum" as an example, with the results of this year, the two parties have signed 42 memo and cooperation records of exchanges and cooperation for more than 10 years. Within this framework, Taipei ’s long -term model, garbage treatment, medical health insurance, cultural and creative parks, etc. have become the appearance of Shanghai learning; Shanghai’ s lighting engineering, infrastructure efficiency, transportation development, and sports level have benefited Taipei a lot; Shanghai and Taiwan The teenager went to play in the same stage. The coach of Shanghai took Taiwanese athletes for training. The two cities participated in the opponent's marathon ... Shanghai and Taipei learned to learn from each other to make progress and improvement. The compatriots met and knew each other in exchanges, and closer each other.

The communication between the two sides of the strait is better than the evil, and the conversation is better than fighting. The "family" is better than "a family". Even the Democratic Progressive Party authorities occasionally had to be attached to it. They said that they supported cross -strait exchanges. What is hate. On the other hand, no matter how the island's internal affairs bureau changes, it always adheres to the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, explores a new road of cross -strait integration and development, promotes cross -strait exchanges and economic and trade cooperation, and is the first to share development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots. What is done is a truth that is conducive to improving the well -being of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

The "Shuangcheng Forum" and the Straits Forum are successfully held. One of the most important information transmitted is that cross -strait must be peaceful, communicated, and cooperated. For example, Shanghai Mayor Gong was delivered in the forum that "the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the integration of love, and any strength is cut constantly." Such people's hearts and general trends will provide endless impetus for the future cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, and promote compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to resolve differences in communication, accumulate goodwill in interaction, get closer and more and more close. (Black and white free)

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