Wuhan City continues to increase bailout assistance to promote the steady development of the market entity of the service industry

Author:National Development Reform Co Time:2022.07.21

Original title: Thirty -two results of the highlights of the service industry to help the company's rescue local work.

In order to thoroughly implement the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries and commissions, "Several Policies on Promoting the Recovery and Development of Hard Industries in the Service Industry" (Introduction to Caijin [2022] No. 271) and the relevant work requirements of Hubei Province The acceleration policy is fulfilled, and on the basis of the implementation of various policies and measures that the country and the province have issued various policies and measures, in combination with the actual situation of Wuhan, special support measures have been introduced for retail, cultural tourism, and exhibitions. Continuously "blood transfusion" to market players help market players to accelerate recovery and enhance self -"blood -making" capabilities.

The first is to strengthen the interpretation of policy publicity. Implement policy listing management, each policy clearly supports objects, support standards, operation processes and consultations, and forms a one -time inform of public guidelines to the public. With various media channels, it is widely used to publicize and interpret policies for market players, and conducts special interpretations of policy interpretations per week on the "Voice of the Citizen" of the "Voice of the Citizen" on Chutian Radio, and strives to expand the policies' awareness and coverage.

The second is to promote the service of finance. Carry out special actions for the first loan, optimize the online loan service area of ​​Wuhan Enterprise financing docking service platform ("Han Rongtong"), promote the establishment of 49 offline loan service stations, and carry out to alleviate small, medium and micro enterprises financing difficult financing, difficult credit cultivation Engineering work, 229 credit cultivation enterprises in the city's entry into the city, help more small and micro enterprises to obtain financing support through credit cultivation and counseling. As of the end of May, the city's inclusive small and micro enterprise loan balance has increased by 27.27%, and the overall growth rate of high loans is 15 percentage point. Continue to play the function of "silver tax interaction", 25 banks in the city have carried out "silver tax interaction" business, 12,700 households obtained 9.242 billion yuan in credit through "silver tax interaction", and actually issued a loan of 5.789 billion yuan. Accelerate the promotion of new types of political and silver cooperation, realize the full coverage of the city's business, the annualized annualized guarantee rate for policy financing guarantee business in the system is less than 1%, and the guarantee premiums such as catering and other key industries are exempted. In the month, the city's "new political and banking cooperation system" completed 8,575 policy financing guarantee business of small and micro, agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas, with a total amount of 5.674 billion yuan.

The third is to reduce corporate costs. Exempted enterprise -specific electrical projects involved in electrical meters, transformers and other equipment involved in the enterprise, and exempt the market main elevator, boiler, boiler water (medium) quality inspection and testing costs. As of the end of June, a total of 26,100 users were connected to low -voltage users and 1196 users access high -voltage users, saving user electricity handling costs of 10 million yuan; 4,2095 units of elevator equipment were completed for free, and a total of 1286 units of boiler and boiler water (medium) inspection total were 1,286 units. Second-rate.

Fourth, government -enterprise linkage has carried out promotional activities. Focus on accommodation, catering, retail and other fields, and put in batches to residents of the city (including foreign people from other places) to put "Hui Shi Hubei" electronic consumer coupons to activate the consumer market. Focusing on the theme of "Enjoying Consumption and Tesco Wuhan", organizing and organizing the four major chapters of "Spring Hua, Summer Solstice, Autumn, and Dong'an" consumer activities, driving all districts, industry associations, key business enterprises to carry out more than 100 business, tourism, and discounts Promotion, exhibitions, exhibitions, catering and food special promotion activities. During the May 1st holiday, the "Spring Trends Type · Colorful River City" consumer season was held, and more than 150 commercial super -commercial complexes and key business enterprises were organized in the city. Activity. During the event, the city achieved Internet sales of 4.55 billion yuan, an increase of 13.4%year -on -year; the average daily passenger flow and daily sales of the five major retail groups increased by 6%and 39.98%respectively from Qingming holidays. More than.

Fifth, increase government procurement support for small and medium -sized enterprises. Actively promote the government's procurement of electronic prepaid and performance guarantee, and increase the two banks of Everbright and Transportation on the basis of 12 banks to undertake electronic guarantee to provide more choices for bidders. Comprehensively carry out online financing work of "political acquisition", actively support government procurement contract financing, and alleviate the financial pressure and financing problems of small and medium -sized enterprises. As of the end of May, the "Political Loan" has attracted 10 banks including Bank of Communications and Construction Bank to support SMEs to obtain government procurement contract credit financing loans of 621 million yuan.

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