Data News | Illustration "Guiding Opinions on Promoting High -quality Development of Rural Best Best Best"

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.07.21

Rural homestay refers to the use of rural residential residences and other related resources to participate in business services to provide tourists with small accommodation facilities that experience local natural, cultural and production lifestyles.Rural housing is an important format for rural tourism, an important driving force for rural economic growth, and an important starting point for helping to comprehensively promote rural revitalization.In order to implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Implementation of the Strategy of Rural Rejuvenation" and "General Office of the State Council on Services" Six Stability "and" Six Insurance "to further do a good job of the work of" decentralization of management service "reform related work" and other documents.Ten departments such as the Ministry of Tourism jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High -quality Development of Rural B & B" to promote the high -quality development of rural homestays.

Responsible editor: Gou Xiaoqing

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