Beijing's "two districts" overseas promotion specialized Changping policy "circle fan" many well -known foreign companies

Author:Scientific network Time:2022.07.21

Wen | Liu Runan

On July 19, the Beijing "two districts" policy overseas cloud promotion in Beijing, hosted by the Beijing Investment Promotion Service Center, was successfully held in Beiguang Building. The theme of the event is "Technology Empowering Industry, Innovation Leading the Future", and adopting the combination of online and offline combination, attracting more than 60 well -known in Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Ricoh Group, Canon Group, Plastic Club Hitachi Production Office, Mitsubishi Ri Lian Bank Bank Japanese company online participation. At the meeting, Li Junjie, secretary of the party group and director of the Changping District Commerce Bureau of Beijing, focused on promoting the construction of Changping's "two districts" construction, good industrial ecology, innovation policy system, and business environment.

According to Li Junjie, in recent years, Changping District has grasped the innovation pattern of "Two Valley and One Garden" and continued to strengthen the three leading industries of medical health, advanced energy, and intelligent manufacturing. Policy system. For example, the city's first free trade zone industrial support policy "Interim Measures for the Development of the Medical and Health Industry", supporting 250 million yuan of special funds; cancellation of the relevant conditions of foreign investment companies and the requirements of the number of investment enterprises in China, the total investment requirements are required. 400 million US dollars fell to $ 200 million.

In addition, Changping District also made efforts from overseas talent services, cross -border flow of funds, and major project service dispatch, and actively created a first -class business environment. For example, the pilot of one -time foreign debt registration, the convenience of cross -border RMB business and foreign exchange business in key industries, and medical institutions such as Peking University International Hospital and You Aibi provide medical expenses for foreign talents to provide real -time insurance settlement services.

Without hard work and ending fruit. From January to June 2022, there were 13,566 new enterprises in Changping District, which actually used US $ 357 million, an increase of 183.96%year-on-year, and completed the annual municipal task 7 months in advance.

On June 28, the Ambassador to China in China visited Changping District in the early stage and initially established the normal communication mechanism of "one space, one project, one fund" as the carrier. It will be held smoothly, and the cooperation between Changping District and Israel is officially opened.

Changping District has a long history of friendly exchanges with Japan. In 1993, Changping District and Banliucho, Akihisoma Prefecture, Japan were friendly exchange cities. Carry out exchanges and cooperation in the field of education, and successively conduct eight mutual visits to teachers and students in primary school teachers and students. Especially after RCEP took effect this year, the economic and trade exchanges between Changping District and Japan continued to rise. Facing a new stage of development, Changping District will continue friendly exchanges with Japan and create a better future together.

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