China Disease Control: After the epidemic occurs, if these conditions are met, there is no need to be all nucleic acids

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.21

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 21st. On the afternoon of the 21st, the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism held a press conference on the relevant situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic. Wang Liping, a researcher at the Defense Office of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stated at the press conference that after the epidemic, the underwriting and judging the three conditions such as the clear sources of infection did not require all the nucleic acids.

Some media questions have a content in the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan that clarifies the regional nucleic acid detection strategy in different scenarios. What is the core of this strategy? What will it play for the implementation of various places in the future?

Wang Liping said that the ninth edition of the nucleic acid detection strategy in the prevention and control plan clarifies the regional nucleic acid detection strategies in different scenarios and different scenarios, and the regional nucleic acid detection strategy after the epidemic and normalized prevention and control.

After the epidemic occurs, if the underworld research and judgment meet the following conditions: the source of the infection is clear; the dissemination chain is clear; no community transmission occurs, there is no need to conduct a full -member nucleic acid test on the area where the epidemic is required, and the nucleic acids that focus on the risk areas and the people who sometimes intersection with spaces and sometimes space intersect. Screen.

For example, after the underwriting and judgment, the dissemination chain is unclear, the risk places and risks are large, and the risk personnel are liquidity. When there is a risk of diffusion in the epidemic, the regional full -staff nucleic acid detection is required. The scope of regional nucleic acid testing, testing strategies and termination conditions in cities, general cities, and rural areas.

Wang Liping said that the core of this strategy is to use rapid flow, and the scientific and precise prevention and control concept based on the comprehensive research and judgment of regional population infection, and put forward higher requirements for professional technology. Doing this can minimize the impact of epidemic on economic and social development, and protect the safety of people's lives and health to the greatest extent. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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