Land in Nasdaq!Zibo Caijin Group's investment enterprise polar star car US stock market listing

Author:Zibo Daily Time:2022.07.21

Reporter Zhou Jiannan

The reporter learned from the Municipal Finance Bureau on July 20 that the global high -performance electric vehicle brand polar star has successfully landed on the Nasdaq Exchange in New York, marking the successful entry into a global new energy electric vehicle brand.

Polestar, a global high -performance electric vehicle brand jointly created by Geely and Volvo, was released in 2017, combining the flexible advantages of startups and the strong strength of traditional automobile manufacturers in manufacturing technology and capacity. At present, Jixing has released two models that have won various awards in the industry. In the second half of this year, Jixing will launch the first SUV polar star 3. At the same time, based on the advantages of the advantages of the product lineup, it will be the most attractive and attractive and in the global electric vehicle industry. High -profile luxury SUV market segments have continued to grow.

The listing of U.S. stocks not only brought overseas financing support for Jixing Automobile, but also provided an important capital platform for enterprises. It is also the first company to successfully listed on the equity investment of the Municipal Finance and Finance Group, which provides successful experience for state -owned capital investment.

In recent years, the Municipal Caijin Group has invested $ 70 million in polar stars. After listing, the market value of the enterprise has reached US $ 21 billion, and the return on investment has reached 200%. In the next step, the Municipal Finance Bureau will focus on the goals of financial empowerment and build a regional science and technology industry financial highland, and vigorously implement the capital market breakthrough operation. When financial operations are used to further enhance the capital asset operation capabilities of state -owned state -owned enterprises, accurately invest in key areas such as the "Flond Four Industry" and the new economy, and stimulate industrial vitality with financial water.

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