10.95 million yuan!Jiangyang District, Luzhou, Sichuan concentrates on 50 corporate awarding funds

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.22

Cover news reporter Xu Qing

On July 22, Jiangyang District, Luzhou City, for 50 companies to fulfill the high -quality development of high -quality development of the industrial economy in 2021, to boost the development confidence of the enterprise with "true gold and silver", stimulate the company's true efforts, innovative development The enthusiasm, further promoting the high -quality development of the industrial economy in the region.

This time, the enterprise is in line with the 9 aspects of the integration of "two modernizations", corporate loan discounts, upgrading up upgrade, upper -level support, R & D investment, innovation platform construction, technological innovation capabilities, industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and reduction of production factors costs. Enterprises with award -rewarding policy.

"The rewarding subsidy is a dose of development. The reward and supplementary policy makes us more confident, the confidence is more full, and dare to develop production and boldly develop production." Xu Weiying, Luzhou Heida Yuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. The output value is 100 million yuan, and the total output value is expected to achieve a total output value of 150,000 to 200 million yuan this year.

It is reported that since this year, Jiangyang District has successively launched a number of policies to benefit enterprises with the opportunity of "Thousands of people to visit 10,000 enterprises · warm heart and solve problems" to boost the development confidence of enterprise development. Formulate the "Huaxiang Luzhou · Tesco Jiangyang" to promote consumer activities, issue 15 million yuan award supplementary funds to boost consumption confidence and release consumption potential. In accordance with the "Notice on Credit the High -quality Development of the Industrial Economic Economy in 2021", it focuses on the 2021 high -quality development award funds of the industrial economy of 10.95 million yuan, which stimulates the enthusiasm of enterprises to work hard and innovative development. In accordance with the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Support Measures for the Creation Industry High -quality Development Industry in Jiangyang District", it will timely fulfill the 2021 high -quality development support for the construction industry of 14.55 million yuan to enhance the overall quality and competitiveness of the construction industry.

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