Pay attention!The Chinese jewelry industry may usher in an unprecedented unemployment tide

Author:China Gold News Time:2022.07.22

Who is the most anxious in the Chinese jewelry industry in 2022? The author thinks that it must be the most anxious worker in the Chinese jewelry industry. Many industry owners have long completed their original accumulation, and now they can basically lie flat or have certain investment or operating income. However, a large number of seemingly good Chinese jewelry industry employees and small and medium -sized enterprise operators who seem to be pretty good before are now. Step into a relatively difficult period of development and life.

Three years ago, the average age of the jewelry retail terminal practitioners was still rising; now, as the main force of the first generation of Chinese jewelry industry has grown up to the middle age, the entire Chinese jewelry industry is highly mature and mature in the entire Chinese jewelry industry. In the case of extremely internal rolls, all practitioners in the Chinese jewelry industry have entered a period of unemployment anxiety. Not only that, with the continuous increase in the industry's maturity period and the continuous impact of the global new crown pneumonia, the Chinese jewelry industry ushered in an irreversible large -scale crisis.

In 2022, the entire Chinese jewelry industry will completely begin to decrease channels. Even the current national strong jewelry brands will face the dilemma of weak channel growth. In summary, the real cold winter of the Chinese jewelry industry has come, and the entire Chinese jewelry industry is facing a huge crisis. Jewelry companies are like this, jewelry brands, and jewelry practitioners. time.

Total 1447

China Gold Jewelry Zhang Dong | Text

Shenzhen Shuibei practitioner


The current situation of the development of Chinese jewelry industry in 2022

Most companies upstream of the industry are more fierce. This is definitely not alarmist, but a reality that everyone is unwilling to face objectively. In the past, the Chinese jewelry industry was too successful, especially some large -scale production and wholesale companies have made a lot of money because of the previous industry development dividends and their own advantages. However, most of the three years have not developed this year. The global new crown pneumonia epidemic is indeed a perfect "shame". Fantasy that will be better after the epidemic will temporarily give these jewelry companies a front line. However, as the retail terminal of the entire industry is becoming more and more difficult, only other "binding" production wholesale companies with strong jewelry brands have a front -line development opportunity to achieve some "binding" production enterprises, other upstream jewelry companies will be more and more difficult to be in the situation.

Hengqiang in the "two batches" field in jewelry, the disadvantaged is about to go out. For a long time, the "two batches" of the Chinese jewelry industry have been winners and overlords in various regions, and most of them are good for time. However, this phenomenon has split watershed this year. With the unfavorable promotion of some brands and the poor sales of most jewelry retail terminals, the business of the "two batches" of the country is not as good as before, and the wholesale fields are serious. Most of the good brands have been competing, and the new assessment method is even more difficult for the "two batches". With the distribution of national jewelry brands, the development space of the "two batches" is now extremely limited. With the total number of channels for national jewelry brands in the future, the total number of channels of national jewelry brands has further increased. The "two batches" with poor strength will continue to go out.

Jewelry retail companies may usher in a large area of ​​losses. The current jewelry retail terminal is only guaranteed to make money in the middle and low -end markets that have a small low -end market with a small and low -end market that have a smaller impact on the overall epidemic. A large number of third -tier and fourth -tier markets that are in a large number of first -tier, second -tier cities, or no advantageous agricultural support, will have a significant decline in sales, especially in the context of national gold returns according to the heavy sales, China will definitely have 70%of jewelry. The retail terminal is in a state of non -profit. For a long time, our industry has continuously said that the total annual sales of the entire industry are, but rarely pay attention to the total annual profit of the entire industry. Based on the total annual sales of more than 70 billion yuan in previous year, if the net interest rate is 10%, the entire industry will have more than 70 billion yuan in total profit, but this year, the author expects the industry's total profit may face about 50% Falling is extremely dangerous.

Color gem counter


China Jewelry and Jewelry Industry 2022 Employment Market Status

Talent aging is an unavoidable fact that the current employment market in the Chinese jewelry industry. The Chinese jewelry industry has really risen around 2002 and has a history of 20 years. In the industry, both bosses, executives, or employees inevitably have the problem of talent aging. The more excellent the problem of jewelry companies, the more serious the problem of the jewelry company. In the case of constant emergence of consumers in the new generation, a large number of aging practitioners will have problems to lead the development of the industry. This is also the fundamental reason for the aging of the entire industry.

Shui Bai is becoming the largest "refugee camp" in the jewelry industry. This sentence is actually a bit difficult to ears, but it is not a bloody reality. For a long time, I have been drinking tea during the day and drinking at night in Shenzhen. Everyone talks about it. Now these habits still exist, but they are no longer doing business, but they are complaining and miserable, because most companies are now bleak business, and they can only go to Shenzhen to seek comfort with each other through exchanges. The executives of major companies, especially the unemployed executives, have nothing to sit together to talk about the difficulties of memories and exchanges to find jobs together.

Jewelry companies' talents have led to a great increase in employment pressure in the industry. As the veteran of the Chinese jewelry industry, to be honest, compared to the practitioners of other industry companies, the jewelry industry practitioners are a bit scattered. We often see executives drinking tea during the day, drinking and drinking at night, and playing cards after drinking, but because the circle of Chinese jewelry industry is small, this can actually be done by the business. The executives are not fully dedicated. At present, the Chinese jewelry industry has reached the time of upgrading and upgrading. In the past two years, large companies such as Decheng, Pingling, Yuyuan Fashion Group and Zhou Dasheng have begun to seek talents outside the trip. Regardless of the purpose and effect of finding talents outside the way, it is true that the direction of the industry's talent finding direction is. If this direction is successful, we can foresee that the employment prospects of talents in the industry will be even worse. At this stage, jewelry companies are mostly defensive and have no need for recruitment. The well -known reasons are that at this stage, domestic jewelry companies have basically no new projects, and they are basically in the absence rather than the previous major development trend. Because most jewelry companies do not want to develop further, and at this stage, there is really no good development direction. There is indeed no need to recruit people, and a large number of talents are useless. Although many Chinese jewelry industry bosses say that there are no talents in the industry. In fact, this is really not the fact. The facts are that the current bosses do not want to risk development and are conservatively operated. This really does not need to go to high salaries to recruit any talents.

Shanghai International Jewelry Center


The future development trend of Chinese jewelry industry

Within 2 to 3 years, the Chinese jewelry industry may usher in the wave of unemployment. A large number of jewelry companies may become more and more difficult to operate. Not only will the production enterprises and brands in the middle and middle reaches face increasingly difficult, but also Chinese jewelry retail companies will also start truly survival of the fittest. Because of the current jewelry practitioners, most of them are older. Large, so the Internet "net feel" is generally not strong, and it is even more difficult for new media and live broadcast to keep pace with the times. When traditional operations are increasingly effective, the entire jewelry industry is imperative to enter the era of new retail and new chain. Now it is difficult for this generation of jewelry to complete the industry transformation. Therefore, a large number of jewelry retail personnel must face unemployment.

Over time, Chinese jewelry production and wholesale companies will be more detailed and integrated, which will also lead to a large number of practitioners will go out, because during this integration, a large number of jewelry companies will die. The head jewelry manufacturer and brand owner, when the future is becoming increasingly uncertain, it will definitely develop in the direction of asset securitization, because only this can truly realize the asset preservation, otherwise the brand value and brand value and the current accumulated brand value and Channel value will depreciate over time. The securitization of the entire jewelry industry will also bring the internationalization and youth of talents. The current employment strategy of Zijin Mining, which is "Chinese Golden King" and even "World Golden King", clearly stipulates the internationalization of talents and employment of talents. High standards, such as the minimum academic requirements of ordinary employees, require full -time undergraduate. At present, a large number of new generations of jewelry companies in the country basically have a bachelor's degree, and the first generation of jewelry practitioners generally do not have this degree due to the reasons and the previous industry background. One generation has lost the qualifications for re -employment. Most of the jewelry practitioners in the upstream are in Shenzhen. In the distribution center of the jewelry industry in Shenzhen, talents will become more and more internal, and they will continue to eliminate old -generation jewelry practitioners like jewelry retail terminals.

Jewelry industry small and medium operators

Not only that, the second batch of jewelry can only be completely reduced to a strong jewelry brand in the future, and the possibility of completely losing its original brand. Therefore, the size and business scope of all the two groups in the provincial capital cities will also become smaller and smaller, which makes it difficult for the jewelry practitioners of the provincial capital cities to develop. The competition of enterprises is cruel. In the future, the Chinese jewelry industry will enter the increasingly cruel competition era. The golden employment period of the old -generation jewelry practitioners has basically ended. The rules are also due to the development requirements of the industry, and there is really no humanity to talk about.


Future employment market trend of Chinese jewelry industry

The young master's successor executives ushered in further shuffling. At that time, a large number of original jewelry companies will face unemployment. Regardless of whether you are willing or not, you can see from history that only one of the executives after the successful successor will take one way. In addition, the upgrading of the Chinese jewelry industry will also make jewelry practitioners work difficult, because the fashionization of jewelry companies and brands in the future requires that enterprise talents must be younger, and only young people can better understand young people. After all, we can no longer rely on our aunts to grab gold to save the market.

Not only that, the new generation of jewelry business model has also spawned new talents to enter the game. The original jewelry practitioners, whether it is a knowledge structure or industry experience, is becoming more and less unable to meet the needs of future industry development. In addition, with the continuous application of modern technology, the overall number of jewelry practitioners will also become less in the future. The probability will not have the so -called 3 million people in the jewelry industry. After ten years, the Chinese jewelry industry may only have 1 million or 200 Thousands of people. After the industry matures, as the production efficiency is improved, the number of employment in the entire industry will definitely decrease. From the clothing, clocks and cosmetics industries, it can be seen that all retail industries no longer need a lot of employees.

Terminal store salesperson Ms. Qiu Liang, a well -known headhunter expert in the Chinese jewelry industry in the Chinese jewelry industry for customers, once said: "The competition of the stock market returns to the essence. When the new era comes, it is likely that it is no longer talent. If the future jewelry companies want to win new industry competition, the younger talent of talents is the only way. Therefore, we can only laugh for the new and old -fashioned Chinese jewelry industry. "Unemployed for the older generation of jewelry practitioners, maybe more unfair or cruel, but not only practitioners, the older generation of jewelry companies will also be replaced by the new generation of jewelry companies. Only in this way, the entire Chinese jewelry industry will Only then will continue to improve and develop.

The industry has arrived in winter, and the love warrior will die. May all industry elites succeed in cross -industry nuggets, and everything comes again!

Zhang Dong

China cultivates diamond experts, GIA research gem scientists, IGI diamond rough grades, high -level gold investment analysts in China, chairman of Yiji Hyun Jewelry (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., and independent director of Shenzhen Teli (Group) Co., Ltd.


Edit | Jiang Ziqing Vision | Zhang Zongwei

The editor -in -chief of the new media inside and outside the industry, the head of corporate brand propaganda, we will release the following three types of information for free for everyone:

1. Release corporate recruitment information for free;

2. Release the supply and demand news of corporate and demand for free;

3. Release notice of corporate information change for free.

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