Longji Green Energy is expected to earn a maximum of 6.6 billion yuan in the first half of 2022, an increase of 26%-32%year-on-year

Author:Capital state Time:2022.07.22

On the evening of July 21, 2022, Longji Green Energy (601012.SH) disclosed the main business data in the first half of 2022.

After preliminary estimates of the company, from January to June 2022, the company's expected operating income was between 50 billion yuan and 51 billion yuan, an increase of 42%-45%year-on-year; Between 100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26%-32%.

The company said that in the first half of 2022, although facing a high level of raw material prices and complex international trade business environment, it benefited from the growth of downstream demand, the company continued to adhere to the operation of "product leading, efficient operations, solid cooperation, and stable operations" operations. " The policy, the number of components in the second quarter has increased significantly month -on -month, achieving the growth of operating performance.

According to data from the previous quarterly report, from January to March 20022, Longji Green Energy achieved operating income of 18.595 billion yuan, an increase of 17.29%year-on-year, and net profit was 2.664 billion yuan, an increase of 6.46%year-on-year.

From this calculation, in the second quarter of this year, Longji Green Energy's operating income was between 31.4 billion and 32.4 billion yuan, and the revenue in the same period last year was 19.244 billion yuan, an increase of more than 60%from the previous month-on-month revenue; the net profit was about 3.64 billion yuan. -394 billion yuan, the net profit of the same period last year was 2.491 billion yuan, and the corresponding net profit growth rate was about 46%-58%.

Longji's main business covers upstream monocrystalline silicon rods, single crystal silicon wafers, as well as single crystal silicon battery pieces and component links in the midstream, and involves a small amount of photovoltaic power plant assets.

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