[Follow] The price of natural gas in one place in Hubei is raised!Execute

Author:Published by Hubei Time:2022.07.25

July 25

Yichang Development and Reform Commission released

"About the implementation of Yichang City

Non -residents' natural gas sales price linkage

Notice of related matters ""

The content of the notice is as follows

All natural gas business enterprises in the urban area:

Since the beginning of this year, due to the continued rise in the purchase price of upstream natural gas, the rise has reached the start -up condition stipulated by the "U.S. Gas Price Upstream and downstream Linking Plan for Non -residents in Yichang City" (Yifa Shi Guan [2018] No. 44). Comprehensive consideration of the rising operating costs of gas enterprises and taking into account non -resident users 'ability to withstand the ability, with the consent of the Municipal People's Government, it was decided to implement a linkage adjustment of non -residents' natural gas sales prices in the city and urban areas. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

1. Non -residents use natural gas sales price linkage standards

1. Non -residents' natural gas sales prices are adjusted from 2.8 yuan/cubic meter to 3.31 yuan/cubic meter.

2. Yichang Zhongfan Company transferred to Jianjun Gezhouba Gas Company's natural gas prices from 2.58 yuan/cubic meter to 2.78 yuan/cubic meter.

3. In order to encourage and save gas and use alternative energy reasonably, when the non -interrupted large users (1 million cubic meters of gas per year) need to be kept, the additional part of the previous year is 95%of the previous year. Implementation) Floating management is implemented on the basis of the above -mentioned linkage price. The maximum floating range does not exceed 20%(inclusive), and it is unlimited. The specific price will be negotiated with the gas unit within the prescribed floating amplitude according to the upstream market price quotation according to the upstream market price. Sure.

Second, link price execution time

Non -residents in Yichang City use the linked price of natural gas sales, from 0:00 on July 26, 2022 to July 25, 2023.

Third, work requirements

Each gas -operated enterprise must actively strive for upstream gas sources, make every effort to ensure market supply, and strive to digest the factors of upstream price increases; do a good job of policies and explanations, do a good job of calculation of meter copying in accordance with the linkage time node, implement the price publicity system, and strictly implement the price policy. Take the initiative to accept social supervision to ensure that the implementation of the linkage scheme is safe and orderly, and the market is generally stable.

Yichang City Development and Reform Commission

July 22, 2022

Hubei released the official video number online

Welcome to follow

Source: Hubei Release, Yichang Development and Reform Commission, Yichang released

Edit: Zhou Mi

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