"Green · Chuang · Hui" create a talent Xiang Army

Author:Scientific network Time:2022.07.27

A year ago, a group of young people from all walks of life and the aspirations of the country and the country established the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Youth Conference in Nanhu, Jiaxing, Zhejiang. In just one year, the cross -border organization of this young group took root in the three realms of science and technology, production, and venture capital.

On June 27, 2022, the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Xiaoxiang Youth Hundreds will be officially established in the 24th high -end dialogue of the "Qing · Chuang ·hui" of the 24th China Association for Science and Technology.

It lives up to Shaohua to establish an example of youth

Young people are prosperous, and the "science and technology innovation China" youth hundred people will adhere to the core concept of "science and technology change the world and the youth lead the future", and establish a height, temperature, scale, and openness, equality, and contribution. Chen Rui, deputy director of the China Association for Science and Technology Communication Center, introduced that at the 6th World Intelligent Conference, the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Youth Hundred People Society set up the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Digital Economy Alliance, which aims to create a hundred billion levels of digital digital Special Economic Zone.

In scientific and technological innovation, young people are playing an increasingly important role. Shengxiang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a local company in Hunan. Liu Jia, president of the company's research institute, said that the average age of the R & D team of Shengxiang is less than 30 years old, but the developed products have broken the monopoly and replaced imports. Hospitals and medical institutions are widely used.

"The principles and technical solutions of Shengxiang molecular diagnosis and innovation are, based on accuracy and accessibility as the principle of innovation, develop a series of technologies and platforms to promote the universalization and sceneization of nucleic acid detection technology." Liu Jia said.

Wan Zhiyun, general manager of Hunan Jixing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a "post -95s", from the Miao Autonomous Prefecture of the Tujia family in Xiangxi, Hunan Province. During his return to his hometown, he found that the kiwi industry in Xiangxi is very promising. After graduation, he resolutely chose to return to his hometown and enter the work of Hunan Jixing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd., and gradually grew from technician to management.

Today, Xiangxi has built the world's largest selenium -rich kiwi base. The local main planting variety "Miliang No. 1" accounts for 95%of the total area of ​​selenium -rich kiwi, Xiangxi, but after more than 30 years of planting, this variety has been aging, and ulcer disease has become more and more serious. More than 90%of the death of ulcer disease.

In order to solve this dilemma, Wan Zhiyun and the company's scientific research team actively carried out the research and development of new varieties of anti -ulcer diseases, and successfully selected the new seedless red kiwi variety "emerald fragrant fruit", and successfully selected the new varieties of anti -ulcer. In May 2022, he obtained the right to plant new plant varieties of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and another new variety "delicious red" has also declared new varieties.

"I actively devoted to the great cause of science and technology poverty alleviation to help rural revitalization. As a young science and technology worker, we have a country in our hearts, roots and shoulders. The opportunity of the new variety 'emerald fragrant fruit' is to improve the quality and efficiency of the kiwi industry in Xiangxi, and to achieve suggestions and suggestions for rural rejuvenation.

Create value leading youth responsibility

Young science and technology workers are builders and main forces who have overcome difficulties and climb peaks in the process of integration of science and technology economy. In order to better serve youth science and technology workers, all sectors of society are actively creating a new platform for youth growth.

In order to solve the problem of difficulty in financing and expensive financing of SMEs, Xu Zewei, founder, chairman and CEO of 91 technology, proposed to be "the ferryer of youth innovation and entrepreneurship".

"We do a bridge bond between banks and small and medium -sized enterprises, solve the problem of information asymmetry, service asymmetry, and transaction structure asymmetry. We help thousands of small and medium -sized enterprises get loans each year, with a total scale of tens of billions of yuan." Xu Zewei said.

Shenzheng, deputy dean of the technical research department of CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Power Motoring Co., Ltd., joined China CRRC after returning to China in 2015. He tells the cornerstone role of young professional talents in the research of rail transit power equipment.

Shenzheng has the world's top science and technology level, and has formed a young scientific research team that integrates "hard bones" such as mechanical, electromagnetic, fluid heat transfer, and vibration noise. In CRRC, a good atmosphere formed the "old comrades' gangs and young people to do middle schools".

Shen Zheng said that the Chinese Association of Science and Technology strongly supports young talents and allows young talents to grow rapidly. "We also call on the majority of young science and technology workers to work together to overcome basic research problems after another in key areas."

Huizhi Energy Services Youth Innovation

The road of innovation and entrepreneurship of young talents requires the joint guidance and service of all parties. The "Hui" sector has set up a round table forum with the theme of "serving youth science and innovation: Huili service provincial level, Huizhi Development momentum". Many experts focus on the growth of young talents and make suggestions for them.

"For our companies, talents are very precious, but it is difficult for companies to introduce high -end talents." Xiao Hong, technical director of Hunan Zhongke Electric Co., Ltd., said the voice of many companies.

In order to retain talents, Hunan Zhongke Electric Co., Ltd. has created an atmosphere of innovation and encouraging employees to find ways to solve problems and coordinate resources.

"The company has a bonus for rewarding technology research and development personnel every year. The company is also based on the ability of R & D personnel to send people out of talents. For example, according to my business and company needs, the company sent me to Beijing University of Science and Technology to complete a doctoral studies. Cut into the high -quality resources of colleges and universities into the company's use, and the talents can be kept and used well. "Xiao Hong said.

Wang Juan, deputy dean of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship College of Hunan University of Technology, said that according to statistics, this year's national college graduates are expected to be 10.76 million. Facing the challenge, we must think about whether the supply of talents can effectively match the needs of the market. "Facing the digital age, whether graduates have the ability to master digital technology, whether they have the ability to think of economic thinking, macro perspective, and embrace uncertainty. Universities should increase the integration of industry, university, research, and use. Juan said.

Young people are strong, and young people are Xing. Progressing with innovation, promoting employment with entrepreneurship, and building a dream stage for young talents is the direction and responsibility of the whole society's efforts and forge. Jiang Xiaoyun, a member of the "Science and Technology" Xiaoxiang Youth Club Presidium, vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Association of Science and Technology, and general manager of Changsha Huijie Environmental Protection Science and Technology, said that the core concept of the Youth Hundred People Association is "the world changes the world and the youth leads the future." Hundreds of people in Hunan Xiaoxiang will be based on the economic development of Hunan and the "three highs and four new" strategies. 5H "concept, strive to create Xiaoxiang talents.

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