[Jingwei Evening Bus] Xiaopeng Automobile responded to the auxiliary driving system misjudgment: it has received optimization needs overnight

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.27

Welcome to Zhongxin Jingwei "Jingwei Evening Class". Here are important news and information, financial hotspots, and selection of individual stock announcements to clarify the context of the financial field.

【Night hot spots and news】

CBRC: Launched a special rectification operation for illegal charging involved in enterprises

According to the website of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on the 27th, the CBRC deployed a special rectification operation of illegal charges related to enterprises.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerate the high -quality development of industrial software, bigger and stronger software industry

According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, on the 27th, at the 27th China Industrial Software Conference, Xu Kemin, General Economist of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will accelerate the high -quality development of industrial software and make bigger and stronger software industries.

Ministry of Education: Be alert to the trap of enrollment fraud in the "pheasant university"

The website of the Ministry of Education issued a reminder on the 27th to be alert to the enrollment fraud trap of the "pheasant university".

Report: In the first half of the year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles increased by 1.2 times year -on -year

China Xinong Institute website released the "Report of the New Energy Vehicle Industry Operation Data Report in the First Half of 2022" on the 27th. In the first half of the year, the cumulative production and sales of new energy vehicles completed 2.661 million and 2.6 million, respectively, an average of 1.2 times year -on -year.

Beijing's minimum insurance standards are raised to 1320 yuan

According to the public account of "Beijing Social Construction and Civil Affairs" on the 27th, from July, Beijing's subsistence allowances were raised to 1320 yuan.

1 person died! Jinneng Holding Coal Industry Jinhua Palace Mine was ordered to suspend production and rectification

The website of the Shanxi Bureau of the State Mining Safety Supervision Bureau announced on the 27th of the "Notice on the" 7 · 26 "transportation accident of Jinhua Holdings Group Co., Ltd. Jinhua Holding Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd.. It is mentioned that one person died of one person in the transportation accident in the Jinhua Palace mine, and the mine had been ordered to stop production and rectification.

The first shares of hybrid clouds were warned: Accounting processing errors are not allowed

The Shanghai Stock Exchange website reported on the 27th that due to some matters of accounting treatment, the report of the relevant financial information in the first three quarters of 2021 was inaccurate, and Cui Tianshu, the head of Qingyun Technology and Finance, was supervised and warned.

Xiaopeng Automobile responded to the auxiliary driving system misjudgment: it has received optimization needs overnight

On July 27, the topic of "car owner was misjudged by autonomous driving" on Weibo. He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile, replied: "Request to deal with this problem." At the same time, Xiaopeng Automobile officially said that the students of autonomous driving products have received optimization needs overnight and thanked Pengyou for their positive feedback.

*ST Ji medicine was suspected of being filed in violation of the rules. The stock price was almost "cut" during the year

*ST Ji Pharmaceutical announced on the evening of the 27th that due to the illegal information disclosure of information, the CSRC decided to file a case against the company.

New Oriental 2022 fiscal revenue fell 56.8% in the fourth quarter

On the evening of the 27th, New Oriental disclosed the performance. In the fourth quarter of fiscal year in fiscal year, the company's net revenue fell 56.8%year -on -year, and its operating loss reached 105.6 million US dollars. At the same time, the company launched a 400 million US dollar share repurchase plan.

Guya customer service responded to "milk tea to drink gecko": The source of the review and monitoring is not yet found

On the evening of the 27th, Gu Qia customer service responded to "milk tea to drink gecko", and the monitoring of drinking beverage production was not found.

Foreign media: Lianlihua raised the price in the second quarter of 11%, "strive to pass on more costs rising"

According to the FT Chinese website, Unilever raised the price of the product by 11%year -on -year in the second quarter of 2022, and raised the annual sales guidance. The company is trying to transfer more costs to consumers.

[Selected options for the evening stocks]

Debon: Jingdong Zhuofeng controlled by JD Group will become an indirect controlling shareholder

Debon announced that JD.com's 58759190 shares obtained through the transfer of Dubang Holdings, accounting for 62.5932%of Debon Holdings (referred to as "target shares") And the target shares were completed on July 26, 2022. After the delivery of the target shares, Cui Weixing is no longer the actual controller of the company. Debon Holdings is still the company's controlling shareholder. JD.com, which is controlled by JD.com and Inc., will become the company's indirect controlling shareholder.

Well -off shares: Securities abbreviation will be changed to "Selis"

The well -off shares announce that the company's securities will be changed from "Xiaokang shares" to "Selis" on August 2, and the company's securities code remains unchanged.

Jingke Energy: The International Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce has accepted the request for corporate arbitration

According to Jingke Energy Announcement, recently, the company received relevant notices that the International Chamber of Commerce International Arbitration Council has accepted the applicant SW FZE's arbitration requests filed by the company's arbitration on the relevant controversy of the "Component Supply Contract". As of the disclosure of the announcement, the case has been filed for acceptance, and the subsequent arbitration procedures have not yet begun. According to the opinions of the arbitration lawyer hired by the company, the applicant SW FZE has not proposed sufficient evidence to prove that Jingke energy violates the obligations of the "Component Supply Contract" and the warranty documents, and it has not been able to list the specific calculation method of its claim compensation. Therefore, the relevant compensation claims proposed are obviously lacking. Based on this, the possibility of arbitration requests is very low.

增: The formulation of the formulation of funds will not exceed 8.5 billion yuan

Ji Tailai announced that the increase of funds for raising of no more than 8.5 billion yuan, for an annual output of 100,000 tons of high -performance lithium -ion battery negative electrode material integrated construction project, an annual output of 960 million square meters of base film coating integrated construction project and supplementation Louple funds.

China China Sub -performance Express: In the first half of the year, net profit decreased by 26.49% year -on -year

China ’s free release of performance fast reports. In the semi -annual operating income of 2022, it was 27.651 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 22.17%; the net profit of the mother was 3.938 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 26.49%. During the reporting period, the domestic epidemic was distributed and frequent, and the passenger flow dropped sharply. The store and logistics operations were interrupted. The company's operations from March to May have been greatly impacted. Since late May, with the relief of the domestic epidemic, especially the densely introduced a series of stimulating consumption and stable growth policies such as consumer coupons such as Shanghai regional resumption of work and re -production, Hainan and other places. Get obviously rebounded. In June, the company's sales increased significantly from the previous month, and the monthly revenue increased by 13%year -on -year. Longyuan Power: Chairman Li Zhongjun resigned

Longyuan Electric Announcement, Li Zhongjun applied to the board of directors to resign from the board of directors, chairman and director of the strategic committee of the board of directors due to work changes.

Baibang Technology: Subsidies and Apple Renewal Independent Maintenance Provider Agreement

Bangbang Technology announced that Shanghai Lightning Bee and Apple signed a supplementary agreement and renewed the "Apple Independent Maintenance Provider Agreement". The original period of the contract expired on July 31, 2022. After negotiation between the two parties, the term of the contract was extended to June 30, 2024.

Great Wall Securities: It is planned to set up an asset management subsidiary of 1 billion yuan

Great Wall Securities Announcement announced that Great Wall Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd., a wholly -owned subsidiary of 1 billion yuan, plans to contribute 1 billion yuan to the company's securities asset management business and change the company's operating scope accordingly.

Beiqing Ringneng: It is intended to acquire 100%equity of Tianjin Bihai

Beiqing Ringneng announced that Tianjin Fangbi, a company's subsidiary, acquired 100%equity of Tianjin Bihai Environmental Protection Technology Consulting Service Co., Ltd. in cash, and obtained its food and kitchen waste collection processing project corresponding to the wholly -owned subsidiary Tianjin Defeng. The equity price of the target is 360 million yuan.

Tianhe Light Energy: Received the passage and prosecution of the plaintiff such as Daedal Energy and other plaintiffs

Tianheguang Energy announced that the company's US subsidiary Tianhe United States recently received the submission of the courts such as Daedal Energy and other plaintiffs issued by the court. According to the laws and other documents submitted by the other party, the specific compensation amount is not clear. At present, the loss of the amount of the prosecution is the cost of increasing the cost of the plaintiff due to the increase in the cost of the plaintiff due to the increasing cost of the US -US purchase component due to the increasing the cost of the United States' unpacking component and the total due to the delayed delivery component of the Tianhe United States. As of the date of this announcement, the case has not yet been tried.

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