Night Economy: The rise of silence consumption!

Author:Xiaoying Finance Society Time:2022.07.28

With the arrival of the hot summer season, the temperature rose all the way, and the "night economy" was also pressed by the "heating key".

In summer, the most exciting scenery of a city is not during the day, but after sunset. The night fell, and the city was put on neon clothes. The enthusiasm of people's outbound and consumption reached its peak at night.

At the beginning of the lantern, the nightlife kicked off

In recent years, more and more cities have entered the "Night Model". Night Jingcheng, Night Chongqing, "YEANG City Yeah City" (Hymark "Yangcheng Night Market") ... Various cities are committed to building the night economy as signboards.

The night economy reflects the vitality and prosperity of a city, and has a deep relationship with urban development, which has an important role in boosting consumption and expanding domestic demand. Especially at the moment when the epidemic is normalized, the night economy is more responsible for the times. The silent consumer market needs to re -ignite fireworks and release new vitality.

Opportunities for the hot development of the night economy

What is the night economy?

The so -called night economy refers to the main form of modern consumption with local residents, working people and tourists as the main form of shopping, catering, tourism, entertainment, film and television, and leisure. economy.

Most of the night consumption is service consumption, covering almost all third industries such as commerce, transportation, catering, tourism, and entertainment.

A survey report on the consumption cost of residents of the Ministry of Commerce shows that 60%of my country's consumption occurs at night, and the sales of large shopping malls from 18 to 22 per day account for more than 50%of the whole day.

Compared with the day, night consumption shows higher -level consumption needs. Based on China's huge demographic dividend and urban scale, the night economy can be described as trillions of business opportunities.

Shantou Xiao Park Commercial Street

The night economy has a long history, and it has continued to this day. Since 2018, it has become popular. Many cities have joined this competition.

The opportunity for the hot development of the night economy is first due to the continuous upgrade of consumer demand and level. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to the quality of life, and nightlife has also become a choice for everyone to relax. In the context of consumption upgrades, the many cities' leisure and entertainment culture places and a variety of marketing culture have continuously enriched the night economy, and injecting the continuous vitality into the city's night economy development.

Secondly, it is a change in the concept of consumption. In addition to ordinary material consumption, people also pay more attention to spiritual consumption, especially the younger generation of consumer troops, have more detailed and personalized needs for consumption, and are more willing to spend money on things that make themselves comfortable. In modern society with high -pace and high pressure, after experiencing busy work during the day, it is necessary to "power out" at night, a night tour, a salon, and a movie, all of which are unique cure for night.

Guiyang Food Street

Furthermore, the encouragement policies from the central government to the local area have provided strong support for the development of the night economy. At night, the economy can extend the time of economic activity, meet diverse consumption at different levels, and drive employment, drive entrepreneurship, and then enhance the vitality of regional economic development. Therefore, the development of the city's night economy has become an important opportunity for many cities to build a new business card.

In 2004, Qingdao City became the first city to promote the development of night economic development. After 2018, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chengdu, Jinan and other cities also launched policies closely; in 2019, the General Office of the State Council issued the "About the further stimulating culture Opinions with tourist consumption potential ", clearly stated that the development of the night economy at the time -by 2022, the construction of more than 200 national night cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas, and the scale of night cultural tourism consumption will continue to expand. More support policies are on the way.

At present, the development of the night economy in China is facing new opportunities brought by the new era.

Innovation in first- and second -tier cities, the growth of third- and fourth -tier cities

As an important part of the urban economy, the degree of prosperity of the night economy is associated with the city's consumption power and vitality.

Since the development of my country's night economy, the night economy in first -tier and second -tier cities has been in a relatively stable stage, and it has been upgraded in the direction of innovation.

In 2021, the top ten cities in the Chinese city night economic influence were: Chongqing, Changsha, Qingdao, Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Tianjin.

Taking the Internet celebrity city Chongqing as an example, Chongqing ranked first in the top ten cities in the Chinese city's night economic influence in 2021, ranking first in three consecutive years. It is a veritable "no night city".

In fact, as early as 2014, Chongqing issued the "Opinions on the Development of Night Market Economy" to support the booming development of Chongqing Night economy from policy support. Since 2016, from July to September each year, the night market cultural festival with theme of "Night Chongqing · Tide Life" will be carried out. In 2020, the "Opinions on Accelerating Night Economic Development and Promoting Consumption Growth" issued by Chongqing mentioned that it was necessary to cultivate the night economic gathering area and create a "no night city" of "Chongqing flavor and international model". In 2021, Chongqing was approved to become one of the five cities in the cultivation and construction of international consumer center cities.

Chongqing Hongya Cave

As of the end of 2021, Chongqing has built 12 tens of billions of yuan, 23 municipal characteristic commercial streets, and 17 Chinese food streets. In 2021, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Chongqing was 1396.77 billion yuan, an increase of 18.5%, which was 6 percentage points higher than the country, and the growth rate ranked third in the country.

Chongqing stands out in the night economy, and is inseparable from its own charm and effort. The magical terrain of "8D three -dimensional", the hot and hot rivers and lakes culture, and the beautiful and intoxicated night view have created Chongqing's unique Internet celebrity temperament, attracting tourists from all over the world, Hongya Cave, Jiefangbei, Guanyin Bridge, Nine Nine Night scenes such as streets and other places have driven local night consumption. In addition, Chongqing also organizes a variety of consumer activities to attract business districts, commercial complexes, blocks and "business travel texts" in the fields of "business travel" to actively participate, covering food, health, viewing, performance, playing, shopping, etc. In the field, help the night economic development. There are also new forms such as fashion blocks, trendy night markets, cultural and creative markets, and micro -acting arts, which are also becoming the vitality factors of night economic development.

On the other hand, the night economy of third- and fourth -tier cities is ushered in explosive growth.

The Consumption Index Report of "Hundred Cities, Thousand Streets, Wandian" consumption index of 2021 "shows that the top 20 cities in the top 20 consumption activity at night are: Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Xuchang, Handan, Yangzhou, Zhoukou, Xiamen, Nanyang, Hohhot, Yulin, Shangqiu, Shangqiu, Shangqiu, Shangqiu , Zhuzhou, Heze, Xiangyang, Wuhan, Yantai, Nanjing, Taiyuan, Zibo, Xinxiang.

It can be seen from the cities on the list that many third- and fourth -tier cities are getting brighter and brighter.

Taking the millennium ancient capital of Luoyang as an example, Luoyang has profound historical culture, rich tourism resources, and unique conditions for developing the night economy. In 2020, Luoyang issued the "Creation of the" Eight Nights of the Ancient Capital "Consumer Consumer Brand Action Plan", proposed to innovate night travel products, prospering the night cultural tourism market, activating cultural tourism consumption, and making "ancient capital at 8 o'clock" become Luoyang international culture New highlights of tourist city.

Dressed in Hanfu Night Traveling Dragon Gate

Under the launch of the "At 8 o'clock in the Ancient Capital", Longmen Grottoes launched the "Night Tour Longmen" project to let tourists feel a different night; Luoyang City in the Sui and Tang dynasties flashed in Tianmen and Jiuzhouchi; in the ancient city of Luoyi Tourists are playing comfortably in the staggered light and shadow ... The ancient capitals at night are also full of excitement and vitality.

In recent years, the pace of the construction and market construction of third- and fourth -tier cities has been accelerating, and the development of urban development has been changing, which has created good conditions for the development of the night economy. The increase in leisure and cultural space, and the increase in consumer scenarios, which means that the new business format of night economy has also increased.

In addition, the disposable income of third- and fourth -tier residents has a high disposable income, less economic pressure, and more willing to consume. Under the premise of consumption upgrade and happiness upgrade, people's consumption concepts have also changed, and night consumption has become the best choice for social and emotional emotions.

The lively nightlife in third- and fourth -tier cities

Moreover, compared with the first and second -tier cities in third- and fourth -tier cities, the pace of life is relatively slow. In addition to certain consumption power, the local population is more important to have sufficient consumption time. Small cities are generally "acquaintance ecosystems". People tend to consume social attributes such as restaurants, street stalls, bars, and KTVs, which has also led to night consumption activity in third- and fourth -tier cities.

It is foreseeable that in addition to the continuous expansion of the night economic map, it will gradually penetrate into the county and further stimulate the county's night economic potential.

The "two -way rush" of the city and the night economy

Although the night economy of our country has shown an explosion, in terms of the current development, there are still shortcomings, facing many challenges, such as insufficient supply of high -quality projects, weak cultural IP awareness, single product content, serious homogeneity, urban supporting services Improper, lack of urban planning and management.

In the trend of more and more cities and the night economy, how can the night economy develop further? How does the night of the city become more shiny?

The night economy is upgraded rapidly, and it is difficult to move more room for consumer desires by simply "eating and drinking" alone. If the night economy wants to further develop a high -quality development, it also has to make people's hearts, actions, and nostalgia.

The city at night, the lights are bright

First, we must innovate a rich and diverse night economic format.

Most of my country's night economic products are limited to catering, shopping, cruise, light shows, and lack of investment in products such as culture, sports, competition, performance, and recreation, single formats, and various tourists participating, experience and learning. The economic format at night needs to be developed urgently. Only by providing richer and more diverse activities can we better meet people's needs and attract more people for consumption.

Second, it is necessary to highlight the characteristics of urban cultural characteristics and attach importance to brand building.

The prosperity of the night economy is not just the bright lights and long -term lights, but the same is always not allowed to retain people's hearts. In addition to the construction of night view lights, we should also pay attention to the cultural core, fully tap the urban characteristics, and create a unique brand business card.

Luoyang Ying Tianmen Night View

Such as Xi'an Datang Boyi City, Qingdao Beer Culture, Tianjin Crosstalk Culture, Nanjing Yebo Qinhuai, etc. are all advantageous resources that can be fully combined with the local development of the night economy. Night tourism products help form misalignment competition with other cities, and to form a unique long -term appeal of cities.

Third, we must make overall planning, lay out a reasonable layout, and improve the level of urban supporting management.

In the background of the hot night economy, problems such as crowded urban traffic, noise pollution, light pollution, and safety have gradually been exposed. Lack of reasonable facilities and services are the bottlenecks of night economic development.

Therefore, the development of the night economy must have a forward -looking vision, we must make relevant development plans, scientifically deploy the space of night life, and create a night economic carrier with its own characteristics.The reasonable layout of the city's night leisure, shopping, cultural entertainment, catering, tourism and other places can be achieved, and night economic characteristics, intensive, and large -scale development will be achieved.While meeting the rich and diverse needs of nightlife, we must also continuously improve the consumer experience."The brightness of the night at night is directly proportional to its GDP." The increasingly hot night economy reflects the colorful scene of my country's economic development and a variety of popular life.

In the future, more and more cities' night economic development will embark on the road of unique development and explore a "new blue ocean" for urban consumption.China's "no night city" will become more and more exciting.

-Poltage cooperation-

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