Jilin Baicheng: excavate scenery resources to protect the green ecology

Author:Jilin Radio and TV Station Time:2022.07.29

In Tongyu County, Baicheng, Jilin Province, the development of the new energy industry project is rapid. Basically, the development pattern of new energy industry focusing on wind energy and photovoltaic industry has effectively promoted the comprehensive development, equipment manufacturing, and output of the new energy development, equipment manufacturing, and output of Baicheng. , Cluster development.

In order to transform the advantages of rich wind and light resources into industrial advantages, Baicheng initially constructed the industrial system for energy development and equipment manufacturing collaborative follow -up. At present, 19, Vision, and China Materials have been invested and constructed in Baicheng, which basically formed the entire industry chain supported from the entire machine to parts.

In 2021, Tongyu County Sanyi Chung Energy Company established the Tongyu Zero Carbon Intellectual Manufacturing Industrial Park project. The project includes the expansion of the leaves, the expansion of the total installed plant, the newly built plant in the large -leaf molding plant, the supporting warehouse, the construction of auxiliary houses, and the corresponding molds, workstones, equipment, etc.

At the same time, a certain percentage of funds have been invested in production and manufacturing automation and digitalization, intelligent security, smart life, and energy visualization of the factory area. After the project is completed, it can achieve 400 sets of leaves and 500 sets of annual output, achieve an output value of about 3 billion yuan, and solve more than 1,200 employment.

After all the projects of Dongfang Electric (Tongyu) New Energy Equipment Manufacturing Base were completed and put into operation, the annual output value of 6 billion yuan can be reached 6 billion yuan, with an annual tax of 200 million yuan, and the number of workers is more than 600.

Located in Tongyu County, Xianghai National Nature Reserve. Tan Weiqi/Photo

While fully tapping scenery resources, local ecological resources are also used.

In the Xianghai National Nature Reserve in Tongyu County, the primitive and quaint natural style, precious natural resources and wild animals and plant resources have made many tourists linger. Ascend to the highest point of Lanhai Pavilion, the scenery in front of me became a "immersive experience" that was in close contact with nature.

In recent years, more than 3,000 hectares of wetlands have been restored to the sea. At the same time, the relevant departments demolished 1.1 million cubic meters of illegal coffee wealth, and the natural flow of the water system was restored. At present, Xianghai Wetland has been fully recovered.

This year, the monitoring statistics from the sea protection area to the national first -class protection of wild animals Oriental Baiya, green -headed duck, white crane, white pillow crane, white -headed crane, black crickets, red -crowned cranes and national second -level protection wildlife gray cranes, white spoonbills, white spoonbills, and white spoonbill Big Swan, Little Swan, Swan Swan came here to migrate. In addition, there are more than 10,000 bean geese, and more than 30,000 other wild ducks.

Original title: Jilin Baicheng: Digging of scenery resources to protect the green ecology

Edit: Xiao Zhi

Source: China News Network

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