Ministry of Commerce: In the first June, the contract of more than US $ 100 million in the first June contract actually increased by 30 % year -on -year

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.29

Cover news reporter Teng Yan

On July 29, Chen Chunjiang, director of the Foreign Investment Department of the Ministry of Commerce, stated at the special press conference of the Ministry of Commerce that from January to June, the actual capital of my country's contracts of more than 100 million US dollars was actually increased by 30.2%year-on-year, accounting for the national absorption of foreign capital proportion. It reaches 53.2%, and the driving effect is obvious.

Chen Chunjiang said that from January to June, my country's actual use of foreign capital reached 72.31 billion yuan, an increase of 17.4%year-on-year by comparable caliber. "It should be explained here that starting in May this year, we have implemented the newly revised" Foreign Investment Statistical Survey System ". In the first half of the year, the actual amount of foreign capital used was full -caliber data including banks, securities, and insurance. Comparison caliber in the field. "

Chen Chunjiang said that since this year, the Ministry of Commerce has carried out five aspects in terms of stabilizing foreign capital. The first is to unswervingly expand opening up. Implement the negative list of foreign capital access nationwide and free trade pilot zones to further relax the foreign market access. For example, in the field of automobile manufacturing, foreign -funded restrictions have been canceled nationwide. BMW, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Scania, etc. have increased investment in China, and also driven automotive accessories manufacturers such as Eaton Cummins to expand their investment.

The second is to increase support for stabilizing foreign policy. 11 departments including the Development and Reform Commission reported to the State Council to agree to jointly issue the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Policies to Promote the Stable Economic Economic Growth", and took multiple measures to support the introduction of foreign investment in manufacturing. Implement the State Council's "Police Policies and Measures for the Economy" and introduce supporting documents. Guide various localities to implement policies and measures such as continuing to implement foreign personal promotion subsidies for individual tax discounts, and equal participation in government procurement in domestic and foreign enterprises.

The third is to help foreign companies to solve practical problems. Give full play to the role of key foreign -funded projects, establish and improve the "four mechanisms", improve service efficiency, respond to the unfavorable impact of the epidemic, and stabilize the industrial chain supply chain. Establish a normalized exchange mechanism with the Foreign Commerce Association, carry out 44 exchanges activities, understand corporate demands and respond to concerns; establish a multi -language information service mechanism for epidemics, and guide Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and other places to rely on WeChat public accounts and other platforms. Published a variety of language epidemic prevention and control information, which is welcomed by foreign personnel; improve the "through traffic" service mechanism, "point -to -point" service key foreign -funded enterprises; improve the rapid response mechanism of the epidemic, guide localities to formulate response plans, grasp the influence of foreign -funded enterprises affected by the epidemic affairs, Responsibility for difficult problems. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 256 difficulties in various types of difficulties reflected by foreign companies have been promoted to ensure stable operations of enterprises.

The fourth is to promote the implementation of large foreign projects. Printing and issuing guidance documents on doing a good job of service guarantee for key foreign -funded projects and actively attracting foreign capital, urging localities to improve the working mechanism, increase overall planning, ensure the reasonable needs of key foreign -funded projects, and promote a number of key projects to accelerate the construction and arrival. From January to June, the actual capital of more than US $ 100 million in foreign capital in my country actually increased by 30.2%year-on-year, accounting for 53.2%of the country's absorption of foreign capital, which led to obvious role.

Fifth, continue to optimize the foreign investment environment. Organize the cleanup of regulations that do not match the foreign investment law, promote the abolition, revision, and formulation of 520 regulations documents, and further improve the environmental rule of law. Cooperate with the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to carry out law enforcement inspections of foreign investment law, urge all localities to effectively implement various systems of investment promotion, protection and management, implement the national treatment of foreign enterprises, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investment.

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