Investigation overnight!Male lead is suspended

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.29

On the evening of July 28, a member of CICC was widely circulated by the screenshots of the "high salary of wealth" in a book.

Because the incident caused greater public opinion on social media, sources close to CICC told the 21st Century Business Herald reporter that the incident was also followed by the parent company Huijin company last night and was investigating overnight.

"Salary is a more sensitive topic, especially for head securities firms. In addition, a big background is that the guidelines of the regulators about the establishment of a stable salary system for the establishment of a stable salary system have just been released. People said.

In addition, there are market sources today that the above -mentioned salary Sino -gold male employees have leaned up. However, CICC's latest official statement is that the employee is currently suspended and investigated.

For the above -mentioned "dazzling salary", the movement of the Central Huijin of the parent company, and how to deal with a series of issues, the 21st Century Economic Herald reporter called CICC, and the company expressed inconvenient to respond.

Zhongjin employee is showed by his wife with an annual salary of millions

Yesterday evening, after 5 hours after the screenshots of the relevant compensation were widely passed down, netizens in the financial circle quickly picked out which brokerage of the sun map and the sun.

Among them, the employee of the CICC, who was exposed to more than 80,000 a monthly salary, was allegedly working at the Asset Management Department of CICC. It was affiliated to the Bond Trading Group.

The salary income and the off -money office showed that the employee Yang was exposed to a monthly salary by his wife in a book. The monthly salary of 825 million means that the annual salary is 1 million. If the salary is issued more than 12 months, it will be higher.

If CICC is the first job of Yang, it means that he has reached a annual salary of one million in three years, which can indeed make many colleagues envious.

Yang's wife is also a person in the voucher industry. It is said that he joined Xingye Securities in 2020, subsequently resigned in 2021 and joined Huachuang Securities. He also engaged in bond sales.

Another screenshot shows that some bloggers who have reminded "Hyun Salary", brokers banned their salary levels. And he answered that he was also a securities company employee, and the company's compliance did not remind the issue of compensation.

Another screenshot shows that Yang's wife said that Changan Yuexi bought a four -bedroom four -bedroom of 152 square meters and said on the 16th. According to Anjuke, the average price of the real estate was 79,500 yuan. Luxury.

However, after the relevant content is widely disseminated, the account and the original text can no longer be found on a social platform.

The average salary of CICC last year exceeded 820,000

Regarding this incident, some people in the industry said that the pre-tax salary of this position and qualifications was about 30,000 to 40,000, and the bonus was almost the same. prove.

"Compared to ordinary brokers, CICC's salary is indeed relatively high in the industry. Because CICC has positioned an international route at the beginning of its early birth, the salary system is more in line with international standards." say.

According to CICC ’s annual report of 2021, if the total salary payable is 11.169 billion yuan and the total number of employees is calculated, the average salary of CICC’ s employees in the past year will reach 823,800 yuan/year.

In 2020, CICC should pay 8.587 billion yuan in salary, the total number of employees was 9,372, and the average salary was 916,200 yuan/year.

The protagonist of this incident Yang had a year of salary of one million, surpassing the average salary of CICC.

Compared with 2020, from the average salary data, the salary of CICC has declined in the past year.

"CICC has recruited new people with a large number of people, and the average salary is low, but in fact, the salary of old employees is still relatively high in the industry." The aforementioned broker said.

From the perspective of the number of employees, CICC has indeed increased rapidly in the past two years. In 2021, a total of 1,3557 employees have increased by 4185 compared with the net increase on December 31, 2020, with an increase of nearly 45%.

Source: 21st Century Business report

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