The development of the postal express industry into the development of the postal courier industry into the rural rejuvenation performance assessment of the party and government team

Author:State Post Office Time:2022.06.16

Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Rural Work Leading Group issued the "2022 Welcome to the Central Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party and Government Leadership Team and Leading Cadres to Promote the Strategic Reality of Rural Rejuvenation Strategy Evaluation Work Responsibility Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which clearly explicitly focuses on the postal express industry related key points The work is included in the scope of assessment.

The "Notice" states that the content of the assessment includes the implementation of the "digital merchants" project to promote e -commerce to enter the countryside. The second is to accelerate the layout of rural logistics and express delivery outlets, implement the "express delivery village" project, promote the joint distribution of county and rural logistics, and promote the integration and development of rural passenger and shipping. Support large -scale circulation enterprises with county and central towns, focusing on the supply chain. The third is to accelerate the implementation of the "Internet+" agricultural products from the village to enter the city, promote the extension of the cold chain logistics service network to rural areas, promote the construction of product production and storage of fresh and cold chain logistics facilities, and promote cooperative joint venture and network support.

The Sichuan Bureau stated that it will strictly control the work tasks and responsibilities, refine measures, and compact responsibilities. Focusing on projects such as "express delivery into the village" and "Sichuan goods delivery", to accelerate the construction of the rural express logistics system, ensure the postal express industry's various items The target task has been implemented, and the postal express industry should contribute to the promotion of rural rejuvenation at the forefront.

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