[Learn and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] Yumen: New varieties+new technologies leverage new agricultural development

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.16

There are fruits and vegetables throughout the year. This is nothing new in Yumen. Nanguei species and benefits bonus. This is even more common in Yumen. All of this benefits from Yumen City to vigorously introduce new agricultural varieties and new technologies, and conduct test demonstration promotion, which has made the city's agricultural production planting benefits and management technologies comprehensively improved. Essence

In the Hengwang Circular Agricultural Demonstration Park in Yumen Town, Zhang Tiejun is a veteran of grapes. In the past two days, the grapes entered the fruit expansion period, and Zhang Tiejun rushed the leaves of the grape plant with his wife every day.

Zhang Tiejun has been planting grapes for more than ten years. During this period, he tried to plant more than 20 varieties, but now there are only two that stayed. Although there are fewer varieties, the benefits have not been reduced.

Zhang Tiejun, a grower in Hengwang Circular Agricultural Demonstration Park in Yimen Town: "About 3,000 catties of yield in one shed. In order to ensure the quality of grapes, the output must be controlled to ensure the quality of the grapes. When the market is good, a shed can earn tens of thousands of yuan. "

An Chengling, a reporter from Yumen Rong Media Center: "There are more than half of the nearly 200 greenhouses in this park growing grapes, but there are no other fruits in this park, such as oil peach, cherry, papaya, persimmon, etc. Now, now now When you come to the greenhouse that grows cherries, you can see that the cherry has begun to mature now. "

Zhou Gong is the most "fashionable" person in the park and always likes to plant some fresh fruits and vegetables. A few years ago, when he saw others growing cherry, he also looked out, and went out to inspect, learn technology, and manage, and planted cherries in his own greenhouse. Today, more than 30 shed cherries have begun to hang fruit.

Zhou Gong, a grower of Hengwang Circular Agricultural Demonstration Park in Yimen Town: "Economic benefits are OK. In recent years, you can learn from outside. Please guide experts.

As the saying goes, "Cherry is delicious and difficult to plant", which is even more obvious in the north. Zhou Gong said that he was constantly exploring.

Zhou Gong, a grower of Hengwang Circular Agricultural Demonstration Park in Yimen Town: "This cherry is another variety. We have introduced a new variety. The color of cherry is different from others."

An Chengling, a reporter from Yumen Rong Media Center: "Speaking of new varieties and new technologies, I have to come to the Tongyang Gobi Agricultural Park in Yumen Town. The fruits and vegetables planted here are basically new varieties, and all of them are used. New technologies, the grape racks in this greenhouse where we are, are particularly high, and the grape plants are particularly sparse, but the grape quality is particularly good. "

Fu Zongpeng, a grower in Tongyang Gobi Agricultural Park, Tongyang Gobi, Yumen Town: "Using rare planting planting, according to the management experience of previous years, this kind of frame first ventilation is high, and the ventilation and light transmission are good. There are about two hundred plants per mu, but each skewers are large, the particles are large, and the overall output has not dropped, but the quality is going up. "

Speaking of the new technologies he adopted and the new varieties of planting, Fu Zongpeng couldn't stop. For more than two decades, in the choice of new varieties, the adoption of new technologies has never been behind, so the grapes he grows never worry about selling the road.

Fu Zongpeng, a grower in Tongyang Gobi Agricultural Park in Tongyang, Yumen Town: "When it is nearly mature in recent days, many old customers have called me to order grapes. I feel pretty good and have a bottom."

This year, Yumen City focused on ensuring the effective supply of national food security and important agricultural and sideline products, promoting the effective connection of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and key applicable technical test demonstrations. The effectiveness is the goal, strengthen the promotion of public welfare agricultural technology, increase the socialization of agricultural science and technology, accelerate the popularization of agricultural information services, and build a "one master multiple" agricultural technology promotion system. As of now, Yumen City has introduced 158 new types of demonstrations, 18 new technical experimental projects, 35 demonstration projects, and 15 key technologies. New varieties and technologies have continuously led the modern agriculture of Yumen to the road of high -quality development, and also made the masses of farmers' money bags more and more drums.

Editor in charge: Li Yuefan

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