National Bureau of Statistics: Xia Fa is expected to get better harves

Author:Harvest Festival Time:2022.06.16

"From the current situation, summer grain production is already in the harvest stage, and it is expected to gain better harvest." On June 15th, the spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Statistics of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, Fu Linghui held at the Journalism Office of the State Council. Say at the press conference.

According to Fu Linghui, last year, due to the severe influence of autumn floods, the sowing period of some areas was pushed back, and the seedlings were more complicated. However, this year, the overall climatic conditions are good, and the field management has been increased in all aspects, the production guidance of farmers has been strengthened, and summer grains are expected to achieve a good harvest, laying a good foundation for the harvest of food throughout the year. Of course, the international environment is relatively complicated. The next stage should continue to grasp the production of food, further reduce the pressure brought about by the increase in agricultural production in agricultural capital, and ensure the steady growth of grain production throughout the year.

It is reported that since this year, the international situation has been complicated and severe, especially geopolitical conflicts have intensified, which has led to the sharp rise in international commodity prices, especially food and energy prices, which has aroused everyone's attention to food security. Judging from the current situation, geopolitical conflicts have led to a global impact on Russia and Ukraine's grain production. In the face of this situation, many countries have introduced measures to restrict food exports, further exacerbating the contradiction between supply and demand, and global grain prices continue to operate high. my country continues to increase measures to stabilize food production. In general, in recent years, my country has always attached great importance to grain production and grain safety. It has stabilized grain output for 7 consecutive years to stabilize more than 1.3 trillion kg, and the grain inventory has been relatively abundant. Although it is affected by international factors in the near future, domestic food prices have risen, but the level is significantly lower than the international level.

Source: China Rural Net

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