deal!The scope of slow payment in the social security premiums expands and the deadline is prolonged ~

Author:Wireless Quzhou Time:2022.06.16

deal! On the basis of implementing the policies of the pension insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, and industrial injury insurance premiums (hereinafter referred to as the three social insurance premiums) policies, the city's city has made clear issues such as expanding the scope of the policy implementation and extending the periodic period.

Look at it together ~

1. Expand the scope of implementation of the slow payment policy

(1) Expand the scope of industries in difficulties

(2) Small and medium -sized enterprises with a greater influence on the epidemic and difficulty in production and operation implementation to implement a slowdown policy

Affected by the affected areas seriously, all small and medium -sized enterprises who have temporarily difficulty in production and operation and individual industrial and commercial households who are insured by units can apply for the payment part of the three social security premium units. Public institutions and social groups, foundations, social service agencies, law firms, accounting firms and other social organizations such as the basic pension insurance for enterprise employees are implemented. In March 2022, the epidemic in Luzhou City (including Kecheng District and Lujiang District) was seriously affected, resulting in temporary difficulties in the production and operation of local enterprises. In severe areas.

2. Extension of the implementation period of the slow payment policy

Enterprises that are difficult to expand and expand the industry

You can apply for the payment section of the three social insurance premium units

Slowly payment period for endowment insurance premiums to the end of 2022

Work -related injury insurance premiums and unemployment insurance premiums have not exceeded 1 year

Original 5 special trapped industries

Slowly paid pension insurance premium period corresponding to the end of 2022

Small and medium -sized enterprises with difficulty in production and operation

The payment period of the three social insurance premium units is slowed down to the end of 2022

During the slow payment period, it is exempted from late fees. In principle, the unemployment insurance and work injury insurance premiums should be repaid within one month after the expiration of the slow payment period. In principle, the slow -paying pension insurance premium should start to make up within one month after the expiration period expires. It can be paid in place at one time. Slowly paid fees should be paid in place at the latest before the end of June 2023.

3. Declaration process

(1) The identification criteria of difficult enterprises

Enterprises that are temporarily difficulty in production and operations and are in a state of losing money In principle, in principle, it should be accumulated for three consecutive months in 2022, and it should be in a normal payment state when applying for a slowdown. Applicable conditions such as production and operation difficulties, the type of industry, and the type of enterprise operations shall be implemented, and the promise system shall be implemented, and a written commitment shall be issued by the application enterprise and provides corresponding financial statements.

(2) Application method

Slowing social insurance premiums adhere to the principle of voluntary voluntary and eligible enterprises, and can apply for a certain period of social insurance premiums according to their own situation. According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, in order to facilitate the handling of enterprises, it is suggested that enterprises search for the "application phased social insurance premiums" to submit a slow payment application online through the "Zhejiang Government Service Network". Come to handle the guide! "; If it is not convenient to do online, it can also submit an application for slow payment at the window of the Social Security Economic Office of the Insurance.

Source: Luzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

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