Hisense Laser TV appears at the China Consulate General in Dubai

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.06.16

——China innovation technology becomes the world's "new favorite"

As a new business card for China Innovation Technology, Hisense Laser TV frequently "out of the circle" overseas. Since April of this year, after unique global activities such as Harvard China Forum and the United Nations Chinese Day, Hisense Laser TV has recently entered the Shajia royal family of the UAE, becoming the "new favorite" of the elite consumption. At the same time, it also settled in the Dubai Police General Administration to provide technical support for the symposium jointly organized by the Chinese Consulate General in Dubai and the Dubai Police General Administration, and fully demonstrated the strength of Chinese science and technology and innovation on the world stage.

For ultra -high -end consumer groups such as the Middle East royal family, more leading, more technological and quality electronic consumer products will become their consumer choice. The differentiated technical advantages of large -screen healthy eye protection and colors are more natural and pure, which has made laser TVs a "net red" product among the high -end consumer groups in the Middle East. In 2021, members of the Dubai royal family purchased a number of Laser TVs of the sea Xin, inviting relatives and friends to watch the European Cup competition with laser TV. Not long ago, members of the UAE Shaga royal family also installed laser TVs in their homes.

Hisense Laser TV is not only favored by high -end consumer groups, but also "preferences" of global activities. Recently, the Dubai Police General Administration purchased many Hisense laser TV for official reception and other activities. On June 14, the President of the Dubai and the Dubai Police General Administration held a 2022 police seminar and safety knowledge and convenience service lecture at the Police Club. Consul General Li Xuhang attended and delivered a speech. The Director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Dubai Police General Administration, General Jamal, Deputy Director Muhammad, Deputy Consul General Sun Xudong, and Counselor of the Embassy in the UAE attended the event. Hisense laser TV provides technical support on site.


Laser TV is the first advanced technology that China has taken the lead in achieving innovation and leading worldwide. The "White Paper of China Laser TV Industry" released in August 2020 shows that China, Japan, the United States, and South Korea account for about 90%of the global output of the technology. Among them, China's patent layout is the most sufficient, leading the technology output in the field of laser display with absolute advantages.


In the Middle East, high -end consumer groups are more willing to accept new lifestyles, and at the same time, they are more likely to identify real high -end brands. It is understood that from January to May this year, Hisense Laser TV increased by 65.8%year-on-year in the Middle East. Ouyang, general manager of the International Marketing Corporation Middle East Africa, said that the upcoming 2022 Qatar World Cup provides a rare development opportunity for Hisense Middle East Africa. This World Cup is the first time in the Middle East. It will use this to achieve further growth in the Hisense brand and business in the Middle East Africa.

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