Longxi: Standardized large -scale cultivation of "medicine capital"

Author:Longxi Rong Media Time:2022.08.02

Longxi County is known as the "Millennium Medicine Township" and "Western Medicine Capital", which is an important place for the country's "authentic medicinal materials". In recent years, focusing on the core area of ​​the comprehensive pilot zone of the development of the national traditional Chinese medicine industry and the nation's important "green land" pharmaceutical source guarantee base, Longxi County has strengthened technical support, strengthened the construction of the base, and vigorously promoted the standardization, scale, and intensive intensive Chinese medicinal materials. The cultivation of planting has effectively promoted the improvement of industrial quality and efficiency, and farmers' increase in yield and income.

The summer wind blew, the medicine was overflowing. Zhu Yonggang, villagers of Pangjiacha Village, Fuxing Town, and his wife are busy spraying low -toxic and low -residual pest control agents for the low -poisonous and low residues.

Zhu Yonggang, a villager in Pangjiacha Village, Fuxing Town, Longxi County: After this medicine was taken, the pink disease was gone, the seeds were more, and the effect was more obvious.

Zhu Yonggang has been planting Chinese medicinal materials for more than 20 years, and now it is the "good style" of medicinal materials in the village. But just a few years ago, the benefits were not obvious with the soil method.

Zhu Yonggang, a villager in Pangjiacha Village, Fuxing Town, Longxi County: It turned out how to plant it, and these fertilizers were not standardized.

In 2019, Longxi County began to plan and build a green standardized planting base in Pangjiacha Village, Fuxing Town. The Agricultural Technology Promotion Center is here to grasp demonstrations and training. Ten acres suddenly expanded to 50 acres, and the annual income was stable at more than 100,000 yuan.

Zhu Yonggang, a villager in Pangjiacha Village, Fuxing Town, Longxi County: All cultivated land and fertilization are all mechanized. Fertilization and spraying pesticides are standardized according to time. Therefore, the medicine planted is much better than the original. More than 30%.

Compared with the decentralized planting of Zhu Yonggang's family, the Qianchi Ceram Astragalus plantation base of the Longxi County Gongnong Machinery Professional Cooperative is higher, larger, and more obvious in economic benefits. Right now is the key period of preventing and treating astragalus white powder. Cooperatives are using plant protection drones to spray dosage.

Tian Yuxin, Chairman of the Professional Cooperative in Longxi County, Farmers and Farmers: Drone Plant Protection is mainly atomized, and the spraying speed is faster, which is more uniform than the relatively artificial spraying. For example, our 1,000 -acre astragalus can be sprayed in two days, and more than 50 acres can be applied per hour.

This cooperative has concentrated 1,000 acres of astragalus every year since 2019. Using the advantages of agricultural machinery, the cooperative has realized the full -process mechanization of Chinese herbal medicine planting from deep land, fertilization, sowing, pest control and harvesting, and production area processing. Work efficiency and the efficiency of the yield also greatly saved the cost of planting. The machine excavation alone is only about 800 yuan per acre more than artificial excavation. At the same time, through standardized planting and traceability management, the cooperative has realized the standards and green planting of various types of input products. The quality of Chinese medicinal materials has been fundamentally guaranteed. To a good demonstration leading effect.

Tian Yuxin, Chairman of the Professional Cooperatives of the Longxi County Service, Farmers, Farmers and Machinery: We have improved the quality of Chinese medicinal materials through large -scale and intensive large -scale cultivation, and have better obtained the market and recognized by pharmaceutical factories. For our cooperatives and farmers driven by our cooperatives, they have been benefited.

The medicinal materials are good, and the medicine is good. Longxi's unique natural climate conditions are very suitable for the growth of a variety of Chinese medicinal materials. In recent years, the "organic, green, and authentic" brand has highlighted, and the special support funds are raised each year. subsidy. Through the method of land transfer and "company+base+farmers", etc., to accelerate the construction of the breeding and pharmaceutical source base system of Chinese herbal medicine seeds, and promote the new technologies of pests and insect pests such as physical prevention, physical control, biological control, and biological prevention, and realize the fertilizer and fertilizer of the base. The "double reduction" of pesticides effectively reduces pesticides and heavy metal residues, ensures the quality of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and ensures the quality of Long Pharmaceutical Road. This year, the county built 453,900 mu of Chinese medicinal materials and medicines, with standardized planting area reached 322,000 mu, and the standardization rate reached 80.46%. Among them, 62 67,500 acres of green standardization demonstration bases for Chinese medicinal materials above 500 acres were built, and 53,700 mu of seed seedlings breeding bases.

Fu Lusheng, the director of the Chinese Medicine Station of the Longxi County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center: The planting area of ​​Chinese herbal medicines dominated by astragalus, scutellaria baicalensis, Codonopsis, winter flowers, and Bupleurum has increased year by year. The number of production has increased and the quality has improved. The per capita net income reached 2258 yuan, ensuring that farmers achieved a stable income increase through industrial development, and promoted the simultaneous improvement of the quality, safety, economic benefits and ecological benefits of the county in the county.

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