Xi Kai's "First sickle" Sichuan Rongxian 370,000 acres of rice welcomes 624.9 kg per mu in the harvest season

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.02

Ding Wenjun Xu Zhenyu Cover Journalist Liu Ke Sheng

In the past few days, the continuous sunny weather, the rice in Zigong County, Sichuan has entered a large area of ​​harvest. On August 2nd, several rice harvests drove into the golden rice fields and were undergoing harvesting operations. Laiheba grain and oil (rice fishing) Modern Agricultural Park in Laiheba, Rong County, Guanshan Town, marked the harvest season of more than 370,000 acres of rice in Rongxian.

"After the calculation of the on -site harvesting and measurement, the area of ​​the machine collection and measurement is 1 acres, and the output is 624.9 kg." Deng Yuqian, deputy director of the planting industry service center of Rongxian Agricultural and Rural Bureau, which is being measured on the spot. It is reported that the rice and fishing base of Laiheba Grain and Oil (rice fishing) in Laiheba (rice fishing) in Rongxian County has more than 1,5600 acres. It takes Banqiao Village, Guanshan Town as the core area.

In the park, Huang Chengcheng's rice fields were successively filled, the heavy rice ears were bent with rice stalks, and the breeze blowing through a burst of yellow -green rice waves. Several rice harvesters open their horsepower back and forth in the field. With the roar of the harvester, a stubble rice is continuously involved in the harvester. "Get out of the field, and the transport vehicle by the paddy field is transporting rice to the world, and the fields are showing a busy scene.

It is understood that Rongxian is located in the south of Sichuan Basin. It is a suitable area for development of the planting industry 30 degrees north latitude. It has excellent natural conditions and rich resources. mu. Rongxian is a mid -season rice rice area. The superior natural climate conditions provide a strong guarantee for the production of the county's "medium rice+regeneration rice". It is the national agricultural sustainable development test demonstration area, the nation's first batch of commercial grain base counties, and the national grain -producing county.

In recent years, Rongxian has continued to work hard in high -quality rice promotion. For two consecutive years, it has been trials for the "rice incense cup" variety for the provincial agricultural technology promotion station. "The project is driven to expand the high -quality rice area focusing on the" rice incense cup "year by year. Through the "Agricultural Enterprise+Locomotives+Planting Base+Farmers" model, Rongxian County, regional layout, large -scale production, standardized management and development of high -quality rice orders to produce, cultivating and driving out Rongxian National Grain Reserve Co., Ltd. The company, Rongxian Sunshine Rice Industry and other leading enterprises have created local rice brands such as "Niufeng Mountain", "Adam", "Food", "Empty Bag", and "Sakuya".

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