Luxiao Technology: Company Supervisor Jiang Zhouqiong resigned

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.08.03

Every time AI News, Luxiao Technology (SZ 002617, closing price: 14.04 yuan) issued an announcement on the evening of August 3 that Ms. Jiang Zhouqiong resigned from the company's 5th Supervisory Board of Supervisory Council for personal reasons. Essence As of the disclosure of this announcement, Ms. Jiang Zhouqiong did not hold a company shares, and there was no commitment to perform and did not fulfill it.

From January to December 2021, Lu Xiao Technology's operating income composed of 82.4%, the photovoltaic industry accounted for 16.09%, and new energy vehicles accounted for 0.89%.

The chairman of Lu Xiao Technology is Lu Yong, male, 37 years old, and his academic background is undergraduate. The general manager is Wu Shaoying, female, 55 years old, and a high school background.

As of press time, Luxiao's market value was 27 billion yuan.

Daeda1997 "Single Stock Trends" reminder:

1. Luxiao Technology has increased by 7.6677 million shares in the northern direction in the past 30 days, an increase of 0.60%of the proportion of circulating shares;

2. In the past 30 days, a total of 1 batch of institutions investigated Luxiao Technology.

3. Luxiao Technology last issued a personnel change announcement. On January 20, 2022, Luxiao Technology issued a total of 6 personnel changes in the past year.

For more stock trend information, please search for the WeChat public account "Daida", reply "Query", and receive free query permissions!

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Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only, and do not constitute investment suggestions. Please verify before use. Based on this, the risk is on its own.

Daily Economic News

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