Look at the "anti -fraud grandma group" C position anti -scam

Author:Contemporary health newspaper Time:2022.08.04

First of all, to issue leaflets, open health lectures, and gift gifts. After being familiar, the elderly are encouraged to buy or invest in "health care products", "tourism deposit" and "temporary borrowing of pension bases" projects, and enjoy high -quality pension services as bait. Highly returned ... This is the four "routines" in the four old scams that have been concentrated in Jinan recently.

These fraud techniques and routines seem to have known each other in "anti -fraud" Zhao Yinguang. Five years ago, when Zhao Yinguang suddenly realized the project he invested, he had invested 1.04 million yuan, almost no return.

Today, Zhao Yinguang, an 81 -year -old, is active on the front line of anti -fraud. She adapted her own encounter and how to fight against fraud into art works, wrote it into the scenario drama, and even set up a live broadcast. This group of 65 years old was 65 years old. Old people are called "anti -fraud grandma group".

Scripture: Taste the suffering after being cheated together

In Jinan, there is a "Quancheng Financial Guard Volunteer Propaganda Group" composed of an elderly person. They are 81 years old, with an average age of 65, and more than 90 % of them are women, known as the "anti -fraud grandma group". Since its establishment on May 16, 2017, the "Anti -fraud Grandma Group" has grown from the beginning to more than 150 people. These elderly people have been fighting together and fighting wisdom with illegal fundraising.

The 81 -year -old Zhao Yinguang still remembers his experience of being deceived 5 years ago.

"You don't make financial management, you ignore you." The host on the stage said loudly; a group of old people on the stage listened carefully, "Fortune 500 companies", "Shandong's only financing model", "high return", "high return", " "Stable and not paying" ... In the face of seductive titles and slogans, Zhao Yinguang was excited.

When leaving, the staff also gave her a small bag of sweet potatoes and left contact information. Every day in the future, Zhao Yinguang will receive a phone call to inform her of getting eggs today and getting noodles tomorrow ... Under the "warm offensive" of "sugar -coated artillery shells" and the salesperson, Zhao Yinguang dropped her home of 1.04 million yuan to the so -called wealth management company. Essence I didn't think about it. It didn't take long for this company to run. Except for the interest returned one after another, Zhao Yinguang was deceived by more than 800,000 yuan.

The deputy head of the "Quancheng Financial Guard Volunteer Propaganda Group" deputy head of the "Quancheng Financial Guard Volunteer Propaganda Group" also had the same encounter Tian Youjuan and Wang Xuehong. "I used to stand on the Yellow River Bridge and jump down." Tian Youjuan said.

Online fraud, endowment insurance, elderly travel, food and health products ... There is a distressed story behind each deceived elderly. Industry insiders pointed out that some elderly people have been blocked relatively, and their legal awareness is relatively weak, which gives criminals a chance to take advantage of it.

Seeing many elderly people around him suffered deeply, Zhao Yinguang decided to "counterattack". In 2017, she saw the propaganda activities organized by the Jinan City Local Finance and Administration Bureau, which prompted her to have the idea of ​​exposing scams and participating in anti -fraud publicity.

As soon as Zhao Yinguang took a shot with the sisters around him. Under the guidance of the relevant departments, the "Quancheng Financial Guard Volunteer Propaganda Group" was established, and Zhao Yinguang served as the head of the regiment.

Holding the group: The light of the micro -torch gathers the sand into a tower

Zhao Yinguang recalled that after being deceived, they did not dare to tell their family that bitter water, tears, and grievances could only swallow themselves in their belly. The initial idea of ​​setting up the "Quancheng Financial Guard Volunteer Propaganda Group" was to comfort each other and hold the group heating. At the beginning, propaganda anti -fraud is not easy. The way they think of are very traditional -sending leaflets, but the old people passing by often take the leaflets and often look in their pockets. They do n’t look at it. Zhao Yinguang said, “The effect is not ideal.”

Later, they wondered how to make the propaganda "flowers". In elderly universities, many elderly people have learned to sing and dance, so they may wish to show their own deception experience to others, "turning into literary performances and scene dramas for everyone, people around them are the most impressive." In this way, they picked up the Allegro, put on the performance suit, and took a variety of ways to perform on the community and the streets. The members of the group had gongs, singing and dancing, as well as scene dramas. Everyone uses the solution to the performance. The three magic weapons of "car, banner, and leaflets" plus the entertaining performance form, slowly more and more people are attracted by them. In 5 years, in order to help the elderly hold the money bag, the members of the "Anti -fraud Grandma Group" ran for more than 100,000 kilometers in Jinan, set up 103 propaganda workstations, and carried out more than 500 literary propaganda performances. Go to the "heart of the heart" of the elderly.

After the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the performance was restricted. They constantly find ways to use the brochure as a material, send it to some old people who can call for calligraphy and painting, and then display it through the form of calligraphy and painting exhibitions. After the social media prevailed, they also produced short videos of literary and artistic promotion, learned live broadcasts, lived on the workstation frame, and the cumulative click -through rate of live broadcast reached more than 350 million times ...

"We are the victims, we must let go of our own ideological burdens. Anti -fraudulent propaganda seems to be exposed to our wounds. In fact, we combine ourselves into work to make more people from being deceived and not fooled." Li Xuezhen and Jiang Shumei said.

When encountering suspected illegal fundraising and online fraud, members of the "Anti -Fraud Grandma Group" quickly dissuaded the elderly and should not rush to transfer.

More than 5 years after the establishment of the propaganda group, they directly or indirectly discouraged more than 300 people, revealed more than 10 criminal gangs, and recovered nearly 10 million yuan in economic losses.

Stroke: Prevent "Three Cards" to achieve "four no"

In the story of the "Anti -Fraud Grand Grand Team", the scammers' opening remarks seemed to have known each other. The unique place is that they have survived the most dark days after being deceived, and found their lives through "revenge"-anti-fraud publicity-recovering their own value. Why are the elderly easily cheated? Most members of the "Anti -Fraud Grand Grand Mission" have had the experience of being deceived. According to their summary, the elderly eat the "three cards" most.

The first is the "emotional card". Tian Youjuan said that some elderly people have become smaller after retiring, and their children are busy with work communication, and they will be eager to get care and companionship. The scammers seized this emotional weaknesses, and they were always in the elderly and were close to the elderly. They even booed warmth and care like children and loved ones, which caused the elderly to be deceived.

The second is "professional card". Some elderly people have a certain knowledge background and rich experience, and ordinary tricks cannot deceive their trust. "Some publicity of the so -called" tall "company's strength is easy to win the trust and goodwill of the elderly," said Wang Xuehong. "Once false investment is put on a professional shell, it is difficult for the elderly with a certain knowledge background and experience to identify it. "

The third one is the "lost card". "In the face of high returns, it is difficult to be unwilling." Li Shumei said that some elderly people have the psychology of diligence and frugality and follow. Scammers can concentrate welfare through lectures and lessons. The atmosphere of profitability, "not investing or buying is a loss".

How does the elderly prevent fraud? The "anti -fraud grandma group" reminds to achieve the "four no": unrestrained "bait" for high interest rates, not worshiping the boss "strength", "background" of "background" of the enterprise, " Enthusiastic "do not trust. "As long as the account and money are mentioned, you must think about it, wait for a while," the volunteers said.

With the increasing reputation of the "anti -fraud grandma group", more and more people who are willing to join and ask for advice are also increasing. "Our wish is to hope that more people will not be deceived." Zhao Yinguang said that the propaganda group has now established a temporary party branch. "We must learn the spirit of Yimeng, be a contemporary red sister, and help more elderly people."

Reporter: Yang Xiaoying

Edit: Wang Jing

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