Open today!

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.08.04

On August 4th, the 5th China (Rizhao) News Photography Week and mainstream media focused on the opening of the "Chain Rizhao Wonderful Butterfly Change" news photography interview (second stage) in the Rizhao Tiantai Mountain Tourist Resort. More than 30 people including the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Volkswagen Daily, Shandong Party Daily Photographers and Xinhua News Agency, and Xinhua News Agency signed photographers.

Lu Jing/Photo

News Photography Week has held four consecutive days in Rizhao, providing new opportunities for promoting Rizhao, promoting Rizhao, and increasing the popularity and reputation of Rizhao.

It is reported that this year's news photography weeks closely welcome the main line of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focusing on the promotion of Rizhao City. The new and new results of the "Top Ten Innovation" and the Fortune Ten Industry are divided into three stages, and this time is the second stage of activities.

Within three days, reporters of mainstream media will focus on the development of the city's cultural tourism industry chain, life and health industry chain and modern agricultural industry chain. Proliferation Station, Haiyuan Village, Taoyu Town, Dongfeng Commune, Dongshi Liangtou Village Vegetable Production Base, Taoxian Town, Ruoxin Kyushu (Shandong) Food Co., Ltd. Medical, Rizhao Yixuan Health Industry Complex, Asia -Pacific Senbo, Cloud Passing Mountain Camellia Park, and Heavenly creatures conduct interviews.

The first phase of the current news photography week was successfully held from June 29th to July 1st. More than 600 media focused on the city's cultural tourism industry chain, steel manufacturing industry chain, high -end chemical industry chain, and The current status of the development of the modern marine industry chain, more than 960 manuscripts have been published, forming a central -level media centralized report, provincial and municipal mainstream media reports, high quality, and new media publicity.

China (Rizhao) News Photography Week is an important media activity that integrates business exchange learning and news interviews. This year's Photography Week is directed by the National Journalist Association of China, hosted by the China Journalism and Photography Society, Shandong Journalist Association, Rizhao Municipal People's Government, hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Rizhao Municipal Party Committee, Sinosaic Assets of Rizhao Daily, Rizhao Cultural Tourism Bureau, Rizhao City, and Rizhao City The Party Committee, Donggang District People's Government, Shandong Ocean Cultural Tourism Group, Rizhao City Photographers Association, District Party Committee Propaganda Department, and Party Group Working Department of various functional districts.

All media reporter Zheng Junyao Cao Yudi

Yao Liyu, Leng Binghao, Chen Yizhen Fan Shiping

The "Rizhao Daily Video" is new!

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