Focus on the company's "urgency and sorrow"!The streets of Baoshan have taken multiple measures to send "timely rain" to the enterprise

Author:Shanghai Baoshan Time:2022.08.04

From March to May this year, Shanghai has undergone a huge test of the epidemic. During this period, the relief and help of governments and related functional departments at all levels and related functional departments of Baoshan District never stopped. In the district of Youyi Road Street, Baoshan District, there are hundreds of companies incorporated into the rescue attention. Today, these companies have entered the normal operation track and contributed to development.

Recently, the staff from Youyi Road Street and the park workers came to Baosteel Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. More than half a month ago, with the support of the local government, the company completed the acceptance of the service industry of the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission to guide capital and environmental protection projects for remote intelligent management. Nodes are also a "timely rain" for enterprises.

This year, Youyi Road Street learned in the visit that the company applied for the development of the Shanghai service industry development guidance funds in 2022. The project acceptance is still not carried out, resulting in failure to declare.

After understanding the situation, the park explained to the Development and Reform Commission as soon as possible. Through many coordination and communication, with the strong support of the Industrial Section of the Development and Reform Commission, the joint efforts of the three parties in politics, parks, and enterprises were promptly carried out online joint acceptance for the enterprise. And supplement relevant information for the problems raised by the acceptance site to ensure the successful application.

The problem that plagued the enterprise for several months was resolved in just a week, allowing the enterprise to truly feel the "speed" and "temperature" of the park services. Today, the company is driving up the time and business opportunities to recapture the loss of the impact of the epidemic.

The government helps enterprises to relieve the rescue, not only large enterprises such as Baosteel Energy Energy, but also more private enterprises and various small and medium -sized enterprises. For example, through the active establishment of platforms and contact financial institutions to help Donghe Xin Holdings Co., Ltd. solve the problem of more than 20 million yuan.

Through visiting and investigating surveys, Youyi Road Street sorted out more than 300 companies that encountered difficulties in development. The street actively helps enterprises to solve difficulties according to the policy in the district, including rent reduction and financing loans. The streets also set up a bank -enterprise cooperation platform to assist enterprises to apply for various support funds to allow enterprises to feel the real discounts brought by policies. Give full play to the role of timely rain and stabilizer. At the same time, the streets also actively strive for the concern and support of various departments of the district, leading the state -owned and collective enterprises that belong to the streets, and reducing the rent for more than 200 small and micro enterprises in the jurisdiction, so that small and micro enterprises can see hope during difficult times.

In recent years, Baoshan has always listened to the voice of the company, focused on the "urgency and sorrow" problem of the enterprise, provided accurate and efficient services for enterprises, and allowed enterprises to grow up in Baoshan's "fertile soil".

Source: Shanghai Baoshan official WeChat

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