The China Consumers Association will carry out consumer supervision of overpasuring moon cakes

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.05

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 5th (Reporter Zhao Wenjun) In order to further curb the phenomenon of overwing moon cake, the Chinese Consumer Association and the China Bakery Food Sugar Industry Association will jointly carry out consumer supervision of moon cakes before this year.

This was learned by the reporter from the Consumer Association on the 5th. The consumer supervision work will refer to the newly revised "Restricted Commodity Excessive Packaging Requirement Food and Cosmetics" for mandatory national standards. Considering that the new standards will be officially implemented on September 1, 2023, there are still standard transition periods for enterprises and markets. The supervision work will take into account the transition period of "dual standards". The China Consumers Association will mobilize the national consumer rights protection volunteers to supervise the moon cake packaging sold online and offline sales by random shooting. At the same time, professional institutions are commissioned to investigate and announce the results of the investigation to the society.

This year, 14 major industry associations in the United Nations of the China Consumer Association issued a initiative to the majority of industry associations to operators and consumers to "oppose the excessive packaging of goods to practice simple and moderate concepts". The relevant person in charge of the China Consumers Association suggested that enterprises should strictly implement the main responsibility of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and new standards. Consumers must consciously practice the concept of green consumption and do not buy or use overpasuring goods.

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