It can receive up to 1 million yuan!In the second quarter of Xiamen, the industrial enterprise increased production and efficiency and increased efficiency awards was being fulfilled

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.08.07

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the relevant departments of our city that in the second quarter of 2022, the "Encouraging Industrial Enterprise Increase Production and Efficiency" awards was being fulfilled. The award -rewarding target is a manufacturing enterprise with an industrial output value of more than 100 million yuan in the second quarter of this year and a year -on -year growth rate of no less than 20%.

The subsidy standard is to reward for the regulations that meet the subsidy conditions at 0.3%of the year -on -year increase of 0.3%of the year -on -year output value, and the single -quarter reward of single companies does not exceed 1 million yuan. Industrial output value data is subject to corporate data approved by relevant municipal government departments. The base of the same period last year was 20 million yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, the city's industrial economy has put steadily growth in the prominent position, strives to protect the market entities, and promote the implementation of 33 measures for the Central Economic Work Conference and the State Council to stabilize the economy. The annual promotion of industrial stability, transformation and upgrading, and the implementation of technology transformation into obvious places. "

In the first half of the year, in order to promote the industrial economy's production and increase efficiency, the city has increased its support in many fields. For example, the city has introduced the development policy of promoting software and emerging digital industries. As of now, the software industry policy funds have been redeemed for 76.1174 million yuan to benefit 143 companies.

This year, the city also expanded the size of the technology innovation fund to 15 billion yuan, and the financing cost was reduced from 3%/year to 2%/year. As of now, 135 companies (projects) have applied for a total of 9.366 billion yuan in financing fund financing.

Xiamen Daily reporter Li Xiaoping

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