Multiple data confirms the real economy gradually stabilizing

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.17


Since May, the executive meeting of the State Council has increased its deployment, and a series of stable economic measures have been launched. In this context, my country's economic operation has gradually stabilized, and the major economic indicators have changed marginally, which has strongly boosted market confidence.

According to the May of May released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the value added of industries above designated size increased by 0.7%year -on -year and 5.61%from the previous month. The decline was narrowed by 4.4 percentage points from April; the total import and export of goods increased by 9.6%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 9.5 percentage points in April ...

Financial data also proves the rise of economic stability. Preliminary statistics, the increase in social financing in May was 2.79 trillion yuan, which was 839.9 billion yuan more than the same period last year. At the end of May, the scale of social financing was 3.219 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.5%year -on -year. Judging from the analysis of all parties, one important reason for the return channel of social finances is that with the short -term disturbance factors, the process of re -production and resumption of work accelerates, and economic activity recovery has driven the growth of financing demand.

At present, a new round of major projects are starting a wave of construction. According to public data, a number of major projects that have started in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places have a total investment scale of hundreds of billions of yuan. Regarding the key role of investing in investment, some important meetings are frequently mentioned: For investment projects, relevant departments in various places must establish accounts to promote the construction as soon as possible through optimization approval and strengthen land use. It is a large -scale water drainage irrigation, transportation, the reconstruction of old communities, and underground comprehensive pipe galleries to guide banks to provide long -term loans of large -scale; guide the localized project demonstrations, and treat various types of market entities participating in the investment.

Many data have continuously confirmed that my country has strong economic toughness, sufficient potential, and large rooms. The long -term good fundamentals have not changed and will not change. This undoubtedly adds confidence to the fragile and weak world economy.

While seeing active changes in economic operation, we must also see that the international environment is more complicated and severe. The domestic economic recovery still faces many difficulties in difficulties. The foundation of economic recovery still needs to be consolidated. To maintain the momentum of my country's economy, we still need to work harder. This requires all parties to work together to focus on difficulty in pain points, work hard to prevent and control the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, increase the regulation of macro policies, and make every effort to promote the implementation of a package of policies and measures, and make the market entity reverse expectations as soon as possible.

We see that after the State Council deployed a policy of stabilizing the economy, ministries and localities have successively introduced supporting measures. It can be expected that as the relevant policies and measures have come effectively, the economic recovery momentum can be effectively continued.

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