Make up shortcomings, Shandong Modern Logistics Network accelerates up

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.08.07

Focus on the shortcomings of facilities in key areas, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional formats, and cultivate the "logistics+" new industrial model--

Make up shortcomings, Shandong Modern Logistics Network accelerates up

□ Volkswagen Daily reporter Zhang Bei Lu Guangshe

Modern logistics is the basic, strategic, and advanced industry that supports the development of the national economy. Among them, logistics facilities are an important part of infrastructure and an important support for the development of modern industrial systems. Shandong is a large agricultural and industrial province. The industrial foundation is solid. The logistics demand is strong and the potential is huge. The construction of modern logistics network, as an important part of the "Seven Networks" operation of the infrastructure of our province, focuses on the shortcomings of facilities such as cold chain logistics and other key areas. , Vigorously cultivate the development of emerging formats, and promote the smart and innovative green development of logistics.

"In the future, it will become a large freezer with a temperature of about -25 ° C. After the project is completed, it can realize the annual fruit and vegetable distribution capacity of 420,000 tons." East of Weifang National Agricultural Comprehensive Zone Headquarters Base, Chen Wentao, manager of the comprehensive department of Zhongbai Gulfu pointed at A two -storey building said that the main body of the cold storage body with a total capacity of 67,000 cubic meters under the green net has begun to show the prototype. Workers are removing a bracket and template. Several construction machinery vehicles are being excavated.

It is composed of the two buildings in front of you. Chen Wentao introduced that after the project is completed, on the one hand, it will be able to expand the national market through channels such as its own commercial super system, online food and kitchen platform; on the other hand, through guiding upstream farmers to develop orders, further opening up the cold chain logistics "the most" the most "the most "One kilometer" and "last mile", integrate distribution resources, and realize the whole cold chain operation of fruit and vegetable goods from the field to the sales terminal, to ensure the quality of the goods to the greatest extent.

Strengthen node linkage and functional connection, and the whole chain creates a three -level cold chain logistics network system for "distribution base+collection center+supply outlets" of high -efficiency connection of urban and rural areas. Our province proposes that it is necessary to speed up the shortcomings of agricultural product logistics, enhance the ability of the end -of -end collection, and build a number of agricultural products in the production of agricultural products in the main production area of ​​agricultural products and characteristic agricultural products. 5 cities and 10 counties cold chain logistics centers.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission said that Shandong's logistics industry is huge, the market is broad, the transportation and logistics infrastructure continues to improve, and the vitality of the market entity continues to burst. The number ranks first in the country, providing strong support for the high -quality development of the logistics industry. In addition, the logistics industry and the new models of new models and new models are accelerated, and the level of information, standardization, and networking has been continuously improved, providing a strong guarantee for the development of the logistics industry.

"The new and reconstruction of the cold storage use of low -carbon environmental protection technology, and at the same time, gradually use clean energy vehicles to carry out cold chain transportation and regional dialing and distribution to promote the application of low -carbon environmental protection cold chain logistics equipment." Chen Wentao said that the project has added 140,000 cubic meters of cold storage capacity It will drive the capacity of the cold storage of Weifang area by about 1 million tons, which greatly helps Weifang cold chain logistics facilities among the national advanced ranks.

According to the deployment arrangement of the "Modern Logistics Network Construction Action Plan" in our province, from the perspective of industrial integration, our province proposes to fully use the advantages of advanced manufacturing and characteristic agriculture to vigorously develop the integration of supply chain with logistics as its core to promote modern logistics The whole process of organic embedding in production, circulation, and consumption, promoting the integration of the logistics industry and the industry, driving the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to highly connect and coordinate, and cultivate the formation of "logistics+" new industry development model.

"This is a prefabricated vegetable project, and it is a major people's livelihood project." On August 1st, dozens of factory steel frames in the high -end light industry industrial park in Rencheng District, Rencheng District, Jining City, dozens of factories in Shandong Zhongsheng Smart Supply Chain Project The pillar beam has risen, and Chen Hui, deputy general manager of the operation of Shandong Zhongsheng Smart Supply Chain Co., Ltd., introduced, "The project is currently the first large -scale cold chain central kitchen and prefabricated vegetable processing center in China. R & D centers, production lines, and cold chain warehousing systems all adopt the most advanced instrument and equipment. "

"Jining and the surrounding concentrated meals have a lot of market space." Chen Hui said that the total investment of the project was 1.07 billion yuan, the construction cycle was about two years. 300,000 people concentrate their demand for meals. "At present, the pillar beams of the first phase of the project have been established. Because there are many rainy days in July, it affects the construction period, but the planned plan to speed up the construction later, make up the delayed construction period, and strive to be completed and put into operation by the end of the year."

Adhere to the problem orientation and make up for the shortcomings of logistics. The "Action Plan" proposes to implement short -promotion operations in key areas such as supplementary agricultural product logistics, strengthening the logistics and manufacturing linkage, improving the development level of e -commerce logistics, and innovative development of supply chain logistics to accelerate the promotion of consumer goods in northern China ( Jinan) Dialing Center, China Foreign Transport (Shanghe) Smart Logistics Industrial Park, Zibo inland port bonded cold chain base and other major projects.

On August 1st, at the construction site of the Railway Line of Shangang Railway Railway, which was connected to the Lanshan Shugang Railway, the construction workers were laying construction on road bases and rails. "It's really a good policy for the construction of the" Seven Nets ". After the opening of the traffic at the end of the year, the coal shipped from Shanxi can be delivered to the factory area to pick up and unload. Xie Xinyun, deputy minister of the management department, introduced that the company's coal consumption for steelmaking each year is about 6 million tons. At present, the average of nearly 500 vehicles in and out of the coal transportation vehicles per day will not only bring challenges to the quality of air The traffic caused a certain pressure. Railway transportation costs per ton of coal can save 17 yuan, and the cost of comprehensive tons of steel can save 10 yuan. Based on the current steel output of 8.5 million tons of steel, the annual production cost can be saved about 85 million yuan. Since the beginning of this year, our province has focused on promoting the construction of the "Golden Channel" of the international logistics, and continuously encrypted international shipping and aviation routes. International air transportation has added 4 new freight routes. Provincial airports have completed a total of 105,900 tons of international cargo and postal throughput; 15 new foreign trade routes have been added in international shipping, 227 foreign trade routes have been opened, 550 new routes and overtime ships have been added, and the volume of the box is 849,000. In the big and stronger China-EU trains, from January to July, the China-EU trains (Qilu) accumulated a total of 1039 running trains, with a value of about 10.356 billion yuan in import and export.

(□ This reporter Wang Jianli Shenghao Correspondent Yuan Jin participated in the collection)

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