Project drive, revitalize speed up

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.08.08

In the process of in -depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, Dongliao County, Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province established the goal of industrial revitalization, adhered to high positioning, and used project construction to drive rural revitalization. With the joint efforts of the cadres and the masses, the Liaosan Ecological Agricultural Demonstration Zone, the Shuxian Circular Economic Industry Zone and other parks have continued to grow. The transformation and upgrading of the industry has added strong momentum to accelerate the increase of farmers' income and become rich.

Dongliao County National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park

Dongliao County National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park was included in the third batch of national modern agricultural industrial parks in 2019. The industrial park is located in some areas of the three towns in the three towns of Anshu Town, Lingyun Township and Weijin Town, covering 23 administrative villages. The park takes Houde Food as the leader, and the main line of egg hen breeding and egg product development. It is committed to creating the "Chinese Egg Valley". It has gradually formed a deep processing of deep processing around the egg and chicken industry chain. Sales, technology, and services are the development model of the entire industrial chain.

The scale of eggs in the park has reached 8 million feathers, and 8 standardized millions of breeding bases were built. The annual processing of fresh eggs was 150,000 tons, and the annual egg product was produced by 50,000 tons. Egg processing and egg hen breeding capabilities are at the forefront of the world.

In 2021, the "China Egg Valley" project was implemented in Dongliao County to establish a "one garden, five districts, one town, one town", that is, the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, Egg Technology Innovation Zone, Smart Cold Chain Logistics Area, and Food Industry Processing Zone , Egg technology equipment supporting areas, basic egg hen circular ecological breeding areas, and egg valley town development goals. At present, the intelligent warehousing cold chain logistics construction project has completed the main construction and put into operation. It is actively planning the construction of the three -industry integration park project and the standardized breeding industry. Fresh eggs are 4.4 billion pieces, the processing rate of fresh eggs is 80%, and the core industry output value reaches 20 billion yuan.

Tianyu · German style town

Tianyu · German Town Town Project through cultural tourism drainage has driven the development of the agricultural economy. Build a model that uses agricultural resources and agricultural advantages, drives the development of local tourism, and tourism traffic drives the sales of agricultural products. The scenic area covers an area of ​​11,595 acres, and the total investment is expected to be about 800 million yuan. The project is divided into five phases. The construction is expected to be completed in five years. The project started in June 2020 and has invested 70 million yuan in funds. At present, the main body of the castle, the square, the German homestay area, and the picking garden have been completed and the operation is about to be put into operation.

Tianyu · German style town takes German style+idyllic tourism as the theme, the overall layout of "4 bases, 3 areas, 2 rejuvenation" — ; Landscape+tourist area (Huahai, lawn, landscape river), ancient castle business district, German homestay leisure resort; the original version of the most beautiful town in Germany, Rottenburg, William IV Gastor Square Building complex.

The project covers four major sections: farmers, business, text, and travel. It integrates new rural complexes that integrate catering and accommodation, outdoor entertainment, leisure sightseeing, cultural creativity, popular science research, parent -child interaction, green picking, and theme weddings. The characteristic town with the theme of German style was included in the 14th Five -Year Plan by the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government in 2021. After the project is fully operated, it can directly solve 300 local farmers 'employment, indirectly solve 1,000 farmers' employment, and expected to sell 3,000 tons of agricultural products annually.

Shuangtian Rural Complex

Shuangtian Rural Complex is one of the Dongliao Black Pig Full Industrial Chain Projects created by Jilin Tiansheng Modern Agriculture. The project is located in the three groups of Qujia Village, An Shu Town, with a planned land acquisition of 4,000 acres and an investment of 350 million yuan.

The Shuangtian Rural Complex is a diversified modern rural life demonstration park integrating "traffic distribution, tourism configuration, commercial shopping, and cultural display" in a combination of traditional rural courtyards.

Garden complexes cover a variety of leisure experience projects such as agricultural planting, pastoral breeding, agricultural and animal husbandry products processing and farming culture, tourism and leisure. 4 tourist routes such as leisure tourism. Through the development of tourism and tourism, promote the integration of the three industries, create a circular system for the ecological agricultural industry chain, and make every effort to build the most beautiful rural complex. At the same time, with the characteristics of the unique to gather folk customs in the northeast, the residential houses of the local villages are transformed and upgraded, the Internet is fully used for publicity and promotion, creating a well -known new online red punching place, and supplemented by various local agricultural and sideline products and folk cultural products to conduct lines. Promoting sales on online and offline help local farmers to increase their income and become rich.

After the project is completed, it is expected that the number of tourists in the scenic spot will reach 8 million to 1 million, and the annual income is expected to achieve an annual revenue of 300 million yuan, which will also drive the development of the surrounding related industries.

Jimmy Fragrant Green Organic Rice Planting Base

Jimmy Fragrant Green Organic Rice Planting Base is located in Liaoheyuan Town. The base circulates 12,000 acres of land, builds 8,000 acres of high standard paddy fields, 1,000 acres of high -standard farmland boutiques, 65 high -standard seedling greenhouses and 14,000 square meters of organic fertilizer processing workshop, agricultural plane 5,000 square meters, various agricultural machinery 200 For the rest, full -process mechanized operations can be implemented during agricultural production. The base is 2,500 tons of round -grained fragrance and low -sugar rice, with a total output value of 30 million yuan. The products are sold to Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tianjin and other places. In recent years, the base has established and improved the linkage mechanism of "joint farmers, agriculture, companies plus farmers", and created the Liaoheyuan Daei Ecological Cultural experience base. , 310 meters in the plank road, 410 meters of promenade, 760 meters of martyrdom. Focusing on the "three -dimensional development" of production, technology, leisure, sightseeing, and tourism, based on guiding agricultural development from low -end to high -end development, building a modern agricultural leisure tourism garden with "ecological beauty, environmental excellent environment, high efficiency, and three -dimensional" The complex has steadily improved the local farmers' locally transferred. 520 people can be arranged an annual employment, increasing income of 11 million yuan.

Through continuous construction and improvement, the park has become a modern agricultural demonstration park with modern agricultural demonstration parks with modernization, standardization of production methods, standardized management models, scientific and technological production methods, and artistic artisticization of production methods. Development platform and window.

Liaoheyuan Ecological Agriculture Research and Demonstration Base of Liaoheyuan, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Liaoheyuan Ecological Agriculture Research and Demonstration Base of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was jointly established by the Institute of Geographic and Agricultural Ecological Ecology, the Northeast Geography and Agricultural Ecological Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in March 2017. The base is located in Yingwu Village, Liaoheyuan Town. It is located at the source of the Dongliao River. The base is 975.55 acres of land, of which 140 acres of paddy fields, 450 acres of flat land, and 385.55 acres of slope arable land. Build 10 sunlight greenhouses and 1 functional digital farm. The base office park covers an area of ​​20 acres and is about to be completed by 1636.9 square meters.

The Liaohe source base is the core of the development of water source ecological agriculture. It is mainly engaged in modern agricultural high -tech research and demonstration in modern agricultural agriculture, forest economy, and beautiful rural construction. During the development process, the base created 4 development models, namely: Liaoheyuan Basin Landwater Forest Forest Lake integrated ecological restoration and protection model, Dongliao River Basin with low stalks and crops as the main body of grain and bean rotation model, ecological high -value characteristic economic crops Ecological efficient production model, functional digital farm development model.

In order to strengthen the transformation of ecological agricultural scientific and technological achievements and promote the sales of ecological agricultural products, the unified ecological agricultural product brand "Sheng Taiji" has been registered, and innovative technological achievements with good demonstrations are selected, enterprise operations are implemented, and enterprises with market competitiveness are incubated and cultivated. And has cooperated with enterprises such as Jilin Governor Baigongfang Science and Trade Co., Ltd. and Qiushuo Agricultural Cooperatives in Liaoheyuan Town to jointly develop ecological agricultural products. It has achieved good demonstration effects.

Source: Jilin Rural News

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