"Two O 22 Years of Heze City Agricultural Products Lost Sale Intelligence Station" launched

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.08.08

"Thanks to the government for paying attention to our farmers, establishing online slow -selling stations, and letting Ginza see our demands to purchase cucumbers, and solve our urgent urgent need." A farmer in Mudan District said excitedly.

The sudden epidemic caused the vegetable accumulation and the slow sales phenomenon. If it cannot be sold in time, all rot will rot in the field, and farmers' property will be severely lost. After receiving information on agricultural products in the Heze area of ​​Ginza, the first time they received contact with the agricultural product slow sales information, they contacted the two farmers of Xiaoliu Town in Mudan District and Liqi Village in Dahuangji Town, and established procurement cooperation. On August 5th and 6th, they walked into the field with farmers, picked and loaded them together, purchased 500 pounds of crown pear and 3,000 pounds of cucumbers, which reduced the loss of vegetable farmers to a certain extent, while ensuring the supply of vegetables during the epidemic.

On August 5, the "2022 Heze Agricultural Products Lost Sale Intelligence Station" was officially launched. By establishing the city's agricultural products slow -selling WeChat group, the collected agricultural products have been released in time in a timely manner, and the city's 48 key commercial supermarkets have been carried out and negotiated to help farmers solve the problem of slow -selling agricultural products under the influence of the current epidemic. As of now, the "Slower Intelligence Station" has reviewed 45 pieces of agricultural product slow -selling information, covering 8 counties including Peony District, Caoxian, and High -tech Zone. Heze Ginza Mall has purchased more than 3,000 cucumbers in Yanyan District Dahuangji Town, and reflects the fresh and low -selling agricultural products purchased from the market price lower than the market price. In the future Super, walk into the masses' vegetable baskets. Jiahe Supermarket has also launched a love agricultural plan to help agricultural contact methods, directly negotiating with farmers and cooperatives in the group to help agricultural product sales.

At present, some agricultural products in our city have slow sales. In order to fully excavate the consumption potential in the city and help the sales of agricultural products, the Municipal Commercial Bureau gives full play to the advantages of e -commerce resources, and through the establishment of "2022 Heze Agricultural Products Silence Intelligence Station" and "Heze E -commerce E -commerce Business Station" and "Heze E -commerce E -commerce E -commerce Help farmers and regiments bring goods "WeChat group, timely publish agricultural product slow -selling information, help farmers to connect with farmers to connect large -scale commercial super -large supermarkets and" community group leaders ", build a procurement bridge, and help farmers to solve the problem of slow sales.

Heze Newspaper All Media Reporter Zhang Xiao

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