Summary: RCEP policy dividends promote the accelerated growth of economic and trade exchanges between China and ASEAN

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.08

According to data released by the General Administration of Customs on the 7th, in the first seven months of this year, China import and export to ASEAN 3.53 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.2%year -on -year, and the import and export of other member states from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) increased by 7.5 year -on -year %. The growth rate of the two data exceeds the level of the first half of this year.

Although the international situation is complicated and severe, the new crown epidemic is delayed, and RCEP has continued to release policy dividends since January 1 this year, providing new impetus for China and ASEAN to further deepen economic and trade cooperation.

Hao Mai (Thailand) Co., Ltd. entered the Thailand Luoyong Industrial Park, located more than 100 kilometers southeast of Thailand's capital in Bangkok in 2014. Qiu Jinliang, general manager of the company, said that after the effectiveness of RCEP, the efficiency of purchasing customs clearance from RCEP member states has been improved, and the company has closer to suppliers in China, Japan and South Korea and other countries. With the increase in imports, bargaining capabilities have increased, and the comprehensive procurement costs of some products have decreased.

"Our new factory area will start construction immediately. It is planned to be completed next fall, and sales are expected to grow further at that time." He said.

Like heroes, most Chinese companies in the Luo Yong Industrial Park in Thailand are based on Thailand and radiate ASEAN. "With the help of RCEP Dongfeng, these companies will gain a broader market in ASEAN countries and inject more vitality into the Thai economy." Said A Songxi, a consultant of the Thai Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and an associate professor at the School of Economics of Thailand.

More than a thousand kilometers away, in the banks of the north Bay of Guangxi, China, in the production base of Guangxi Jingui Paper Paper Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Indonesia's Golden Light Group Asia Paper Paper Co., Ltd., every day, a truck will be transported to the Qinzhou Port Pier nearby. These white card carton will be shipped to ASEAN markets such as Thailand for packaging, cosmetics, electronic products and other packaging.

Zhou Ju, the person in charge of the logistics department of Guangxi Jingui Paper Paper Co., Ltd., said that according to the accumulated rules of RCEP's origin, raw materials imported from ASEAN countries such as wood slices, wood pulp, starch, etc. After accounting Cumulative standards for origin, so that customers can enjoy preferential tariffs and improve their competitive advantages.

In Kuantan Port, Malaysia, a cargo ship full of manganese manganese in Malaysia started, and then entered the north Bay Port of Guangxi a week later. After these ores are ashore, they will be sent to the smelting workshop of the Manganese Group in the South China. After the electrolytic manganese dioxide, it will be sold to the country and exported to Japan. In the end, as an important raw material for new energy batteries, it is deeply embedded in the industrial chain of new energy vehicles Essence

Since RCEP takes effect, Malaysia's manganese ore tariffs have further declined, making this industrial chain connecting China, ASEAN and Japan has more competitive advantages in the international market.

At present, China and ASEAN are the largest trading partners, and the two parties have invested more than $ 310 billion in direct investment. After the RCEP takes effect, many favorable policies such as tariff reduction and origin accumulation rules have landed, and China and ASEAN economic and trade exchanges are closer.

Analysts pointed out that RCEP has achieved coordination of economic and trade rules within the region, accelerating the integration of regional industrial chains and supply chain, providing a support for further deepening economic and trade relations with China and ASEAN, and also providing strong momentum for regional economic development.

Weng Shijie, chairman of the New Asian Strategic Research Center in Malaysia, said that RCEP coordinated the rules of origin, created a unified market for intermediate products, and promoted the establishment of regional supply chains. The effectiveness of faster poverty reduction is essential for ASEAN countries. "

Lin Chuqin, chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, said that RCEP covers the global Asia -Pacific region with great growth and vitality. This is not only the main region of the international cooperation between China's industrial chain, but also the most important market for China and ASEAN goods and services. "RCEP covers the content of reducing tariffs, open markets, reducing standard barriers, opposition to unilateralism and protectionism, which will help build a relatively stable multilateral trade order in the Asia -Pacific region, boost trade and investment confidence, and further strengthen the toughness of the industrial chain supply chain toughness. It is important and far -reaching to formulate global economic and trade rules in the future. "

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