Baoding released eight policies to promote the high -quality development of the prefabricated vegetable industry

Author:Great Wall Network Baoding Cha Time:2022.08.08

Great Wall Network · Jiyun Client August 7th (Reporter Li Huiying) Today, the Baoding Metropolitan Agricultural Innovation Development Conference was held at the Gaobei Store, and eight support policies were released at the meeting to accelerate the high -quality development of the prefabricated vegetable industry.

Improve the industrial layout. Fully support the integration and development of the prefabricated vegetable industry from the supply of raw materials, production and processing, logistics storage to market sales, and other fields. Support family farms, farmers' professional cooperatives, farmers breeding households, and prefabricated vegetable companies to jointly build standardized raw material bases, and encourage enterprises to build logistics marketing and service networks. Establish a prefabricated vegetable production and sales big data and industry index platform to achieve the integration, standardization, industrialization, quality and digitalization of the prefabricated vegetable industry.

Support research and development innovation. The key technologies of the prefabricated vegetable industry are included in the city's "unveiled list" science and technology project category. For newly recognized national, provincial, municipal technology innovation centers or key laboratories, 2 million yuan, 500,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan are given one -time award.

Strengthen quality supervision. Establish a "standardized+quality" quality system, and formulate raw materials production standards, supply standards, processing standards, quality standards and food nutrition and functional standards. Establish a prefabricated dishes detection method and the normalized quality and safety assessment system of the industrial chain supply chain, and realize the traceability of prefabricated dishes for the source of agricultural products.

Promote gathering development. Encourage Wangdu, Gaobei Store, Anguo, Dingxing, Fuping, and Jingxiu 6 counties (cities, districts) to apply for special bonds in government, and support the industrial parks to become bigger and stronger. Support the park to establish scientific and technological platforms, import and export platforms, and transportation and logistics systems, and build an industrial concentration area with complete functions, complete facilities, and supporting services.

Support leading enterprises. Establish a key enterprise cultivation database in the prefabricated vegetable industry, and actively assist in the application for key support projects at the central kitchen at or above the municipal level. The newly identified specialized new demonstration enterprises award 200,000 yuan each. Optimize 70%of the minimum price standards for the minimum price of the land of the land to the prefabricated vegetable manufacturer at the minimum price standard of not lower than the land. Support enterprises listed on the market, and strive to cultivate about 10 influential prefabricated leading enterprises in the country within 2 years.

Cultivate professional talents. Encourage vocational colleges to add specialties such as food processing, prefabricated dishes, and cultivate application -oriented talents in the prefabricated vegetable field. Establish an excellent typical example, and evaluate a group of outstanding entrepreneurs and outstanding craftsmen in prefabricated dishes. Establish special talent funds to vigorously introduce and cultivate professional talents such as entrepreneurial leaders, backbone technical talents and marketing planning.

Create special brands. Support Baoding specialized food for prefabricated vegetable industrialization, and make up 30,000 yuan for each certified enterprise. Create a new marketing model, vigorously develop e -commerce, hold Baoding prefabricated dishes promotion week activities every year, and support well -known brand products to enter the institution, school, factories, and hospitals.

Increase fiscal and financial support. Establish a pre -production industry fund system with a total scale of 1 billion yuan, innovate financial credit services, and strengthen insurance protection. Insurance institutions provide insurance services for the pre -production, mid -production, and post -production process of prefabricated vegetable industry to escort the industrial development.

Source: Great Wall Network

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