Silla District: Fully build a new pattern of "three platforms and nine clusters" emergency industry

Author:Silla District Rong Media Cent Time:2022.08.09

On August 7, in the assembly workshop of Longyan Haidexin Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Longyan Industrial Park, Fujian, workers are stepping up to assemble products such as mobile emergency power vehicles, rescue and rescue lighting vehicles. "We are stepping up an emergency power vehicle order worth about 200 million yuan." Luo Changlin, the person in charge of the production of Heidexin Company.

The machinery industry is a traditional advantage industry in Silla. In recent years, Silla District has faced the new normal of economic development. In the process of adjustment, transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, actively based on the existing mechanical industry foundation, cultivate and support overseas Chinese dragons, Haidexin, Longjing, Longma, Hai, Hai, Hai, Hai, Hai, Hai, Hai A number of advantageous safety emergency industries such as Bo has achieved the transformation of industrial scale from "small" to "big", the industrial layout from "scattered" to "gather", and the industrial capacity from "weak" to "strong". Safety emergency products, enterprises, industries, and platform gatherings have formed a development pattern of effective support for 22 leading enterprises and more than 100 supporting companies.

"There are 67 safety emergency enterprises in the region, of which 63 are regulated, and in 2021, the output value is 32 billion yuan. Among them, the sales revenue of safety emergency products and service sales revenue is 13.649 billion yuan." Su Jianhua, director of the Silla District Industry and Information Bureau, said At present, the industry has 4 enterprises from academician workstations and post -doctoral workstations, 9 national high -tech enterprises, and 6 national and provincial enterprise technology centers. 53 newly developed rescue products are at the international leading, advanced and domestic leadership level. There are 640 new technical patents, collecting and publishing more than 350 scientific research results in colleges and universities.

“做大做强国家应急产业示范基地,必须完善产业集群,形成具有区域优势和特色的应急救援处置产业体系。”苏建华说,为此,新罗区出台了《新罗区应急产业发展实施"Opinions" "Ten Measures to Promote the Development of Emergency Industry in Silla District", strive to start with the cultivation of well -known emergency enterprises in the country, and actively introduce external and advanced production factors to achieve the best allocation of internal and external resources. At the same time, focus on strengthening joint ventures with international emergency companies and large domestic enterprises and large groups, and vigorously introduce base -type leading projects with large industrial correlation, high technical level, and wide market coverage, and strive to be in core links and key technical technologies Obtained breakthroughs and promoted high -end, large -scale, integrated leapfrog development of emergency equipment manufacturing.

In addition, in March of this year, the district formulated and introduced the "Safety Emergency Industry Development Plan", planned and developed nine safety emergency products and service clusters, and established a "three platforms, nine clusters" safety emergency industry pattern, that is, to create "safe emergency products and services and services Comprehensive information platform, security emergency technology innovation service platform, safety emergency product inspection and testing platform ", and" emergency site guarantee equipment and services, emergency drainage equipment and services, engineering rescue and rescue equipment and professional repair services, safety and environmental protection equipment and services, emergency emergency, emergency emergency Medical disposal equipment and services, forest fire prevention and urban fire equipment and services, counter -terrorism and riot disposal equipment, emergency culture, safety services "and other clusters. The total output value of the safety emergency industry exceeds 50 billion yuan, an average annual increase of more than 15%.


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