Guangzhou Development Zone's first simple patented asset securitization project has successfully ended

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.08.09

With the last patent permit fee successfully received, on August 8th, the nation's first pure patented asset securitization product "Xingye Ronglong -Guangzhou Development Zone Patent License Asset Support Plan" issued by the Guangzhou Development Zone was perfectly ended. "The successful operation of the nation's first simple patented intellectual property securitization project has fully verified the feasibility of intellectual property securitization." Zhong Zijian, director of the Intellectual Property Office of Guangzhou Development Zone, said that this provides a reference for the exploration of intellectual property securities in my country. Copy and promoted experience.

Try to change the "patent certificate" of technology first to become the "development" of the enterprise

In February 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Outline of the Development Planning of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area", which clearly put forward the task requirements of "the securitization of intellectual property assets". As the only "experimental field" approved by the State Council's comprehensive reform of intellectual property rights in the country, the Guangzhou Development Zone seized the development opportunities of the Bay Area construction and took the lead in carrying out the pilot of securitization of intellectual property assets in the country.

Under the promotion of multi -party forces, on September 11, 2019, Guangzhou Kaid Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kaid Financial Leasing") successfully issued the "Promotional Industrial and Rong Rong -Guangzhou Development Zone Patent License Asset Support Plan" on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Essence Kaite Financial Leasing is an important module for the technology and financial services of Guangzhou Kaid Financial Services Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kaid Financial Services Group") of Guangzhou Development Zone Holdings Group Co., Ltd. The project was used as the primitive equity personnel by Kaite Financial Leasing, creating a precedent for the use of patent rights to use patent rights to use patent rights in the capital market.

It is understood that the product selected 11 private technology -oriented SMEs in the Guangzhou Development Zone as underlying patent client subjects in 11 Guangzhou Development Zone. The product issuance scale is 3.01 billion yuan, and the ticket rate is 4.00%. The underlying assets include 103 invention patents, 37 practical new patents, and the debt rating reaches AAA level. Capital "getting rid of the real" directly entered the field of innovation and opened up a high -efficiency, low -cost diversion channel.

Liu Shi, deputy director of the Management Committee of Guangzhou Development Zone, said that Guangzhou Development Zone issued the nation's first pure patented intellectual property securitization product. Measures and major results. The intellectual property securitization model and products of the Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone are closely linked to the physical industries of the district, and the patents of the core technology invention of the enterprise are a typical intellectual property securitization model and a standardized product that can be issued.

"The intellectual property securitization project of Guangzhou Development Zone does not look at fixed assets, but only see intellectual property assets, which is very consistent with our ideas of innovation and development." Huang Chunbo, general manager of Huayin Health Group, said that the company as one of the participating companies of the project passed through the project. Four invention patents such as "remote pathological diagnosis and digital image processing and transmission technology" have obtained 23 million yuan in financing, which effectively alleviates the development difficulties of corporate financing difficulties and expensive financing.

According to Huang Lili, the general manager of Kaid Financial Service Group and chairman of the Guangzhou Development Zone Industrial Service Co., Ltd., during the project duration, 11 bottom customers can repay on schedule, and there is no overdue interest.

Continue to explore the establishment of an innovation of intellectual property finance

"Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone gathered more than 20,000 private and small and medium -sized enterprises, most of which are high -tech enterprises, which are essential to implement trillion manufacturing and innovation -driven strategies. It is a subject that must be answered. "Huang Lili said," We have been exploring the important innovation of intensive integration of intellectual property and finance, and we are committed to maximizing the realization of 'Zhiben' Change 'Capital', helping science and technology SMEs to solve financing difficulties and expensive financing. question."

Following the issuance of the nation's first pure patented asset securitization product, in August 2020, Kaite Financial Leasing again issued the intellectual property securitization product of the biomedical industry, highlighting the value and exchange value of patent rights, and realized intellectual property securitization 1.0 to 1.0 to to to to this. 2.0 leap. The two -phase intellectual property asset securitization products were raised by 214 million yuan in financing.

According to reports, the intellectual property financial innovation of the Guangzhou Development Zone has been at the forefront of the country. In recent years, the district has continuously strengthened the construction of an intellectual property financial system to create a "investment fund -pledge financing -securitization -listing counseling -overseas insurance" intellectual property financial service chain that runs through the full life cycle of enterprises. Difficulties provide a three -dimensional solution.

It is reported that in order to benefit more small and medium -sized enterprises in terms of financial support, in October 2021, the Guangzhou Development Zone launched the 3.0 version of the intellectual property securitization product- "Great Wall Jiaxin -Monarch -Guangzhou Development Zone Scientific City Intellectual Property Trademark License Special Plan for Supporting Assets Support Special Plan ", The underlying assets include 58 trademarks of 12 companies, with a total issuance scale of 289 million yuan, which is the first pure trademark intellectual property securitization product in the country. At this point, the district has issued a total of 4 intellectual property securitization products, a total of 47 companies raised 1.025 billion yuan.

"Innovative financial products such as the issuance of intellectual property assets securitization products are an important action to practice financial support 'SMEs' Extreme Event '" Innovation Demonstration Zone Construction, and it is an important to deepen the "decentralization of management service' reform and optimize the business environment. Measures. "Mei Shaocheng, deputy director of the Financial Work Bureau of Guangzhou Development Zone. The intellectual property securitization work in the district has been listed as the experience and practice of business environment reform and innovation in business environment reform that has been promoted in the province for two consecutive times, and intellectual property operation institutions across the country have come to learn and communicate. Director of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's Bonding Department, Zi Zikang, said that intellectual property securitization has opened up the "financing, trading, and operation" business chain in the process of intellectual property creation, promoting the efficient integration of modern finance and technology and talent. The Guangzhou Development Zone first tried to issue the first simple patented intellectual property asset securitization product, serving the scientific and technological SMEs in the region, demonstrating the innovative value of scientific and technological enterprises. A copy that can be replicated and promoted. As of July 2022, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has accumulated 56 securitization products of intellectual property assets, with a cumulative issuance amount of 13.7 billion yuan.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Yakas Correspondent: Luo Xiaona, Du Baoxing Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Long Chengliu

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