Why do you keep banned?Discovery cases of counterfeiting in many places are disclosed

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.08.10

China Well -off Network Exclusive Specialty

Text | "Well -off" · China Well -off reporter Guo Yan

"Instructions, instructions, strong orders", "transfer, concealment, and abandonment", a series of verbs were shocking in the report issued by the National Bureau of Statistics at the end of May on the reports of statistical violations of regions of Hebei Province, Henan Province, and Guizhou Province.

Photo Source/HELLORF

A poor country with less than 10,000 people needs to complete 100 million yuan in fixed asset investment tasks every year. In order to complete various tasks, it can only be falsely reported ... Similar statistical fraud cases have appeared repeatedly in recent years.

The National Bureau of Statistics recently announced that according to the reports, the Law Enforcement Inspection Team of the National Bureau of Statistics conducted statistics from Xingtai City, Hebei Province, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, and relevant counties (districts) of Bijie City, Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province in 2020 and 2021 Law enforcement inspections were found to have different degrees of statistical illegal issues.

Not long ago, the National Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported the investigation and investigation of the 19th Central Expert Member and the former deputy secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Zhang Jinghua. The notice disclosed many issues of Zhang Jinghua. One of them was the deviation of political performance.

A reporter of "Well -off" magazine and China Well -off network found that this is not an example. The performance of statutory responsibilities in some local statistics has deviations. Individual departments use WeChat instructions, meetings, and decompose layers to seriously intervene in statistical work. Some corporate data have fallen dozens of times. For those responsible for statistical violations of discipline and law, some local governments have not even settled for more than a year.

Discovery cases of counterfeiting in many places are disclosed

Among the statistical violations disclosed by the National Bureau of Statistics, statistical violations of statistical violations in Neiqiu County, Yuanqiao West District, and Nanhe District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province ranked first.

The Law Enforcement Inspection Team of the National Bureau of Statistics conducted statistical law enforcement inspections of Neiqiu County and Yuanqiao West District of Xingtai City, Xingtai City, Xingtai City from August 28 to September 8, 2020. The data is false, and the statistics of some fixed asset investment projects in Neiqiu County are seriously false. The statistical data of some wholesale and retail enterprises at the West District of Yuanqiao West District are seriously lost. The relevant departments of Neiqiu County and Yuanqiao West District refine and decompose the target tasks of the main economic indicators to towns (parks) and enterprises to teach, instruction, strong order statistical survey objects or other institutions, personnel to build false statistical materials, and to build in the townships (parks) of the townships (parks) Fake statistical data Fill in the statistical statements or instructions, instructions, and force statistical investigations to form false statistics; relevant units and individuals do not reflect the situation as they actually reflect the situation and abandon relevant certificates and materials. Relevant parties in Hebei Province gave 45 responsible persons to party discipline and government affairs and organizational treatment. Among them, 1 person at the department level, 10 people at the county level, and 34 people at the rural level and below. The Hebei Provincial Bureau of Statistics impose administrative penalties for illegal enterprises that provide unreal statistical materials.

The law enforcement inspection team of the National Bureau of Statistics conducted statistical law enforcement inspections on Nanhe District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province from June 20 to 27, 2021, and found that some fixed asset investment project statistics were seriously incorrect. Related parties in Nanhe District have detailed and decompose fixed asset investment target tasks and are linked to statistical data reporting, resulting in a large area of ​​statistical data of fixed asset investment projects; relevant departments have instructed, instructed, ordered statistical survey objects or other institutions and personnel to make false facilities. Statistics; relevant units and individuals provide false information, which is not as good as reflecting the situation; there are documents and practices that violate the spirit of the statistical law in Xingtai City and Nanhe District. Relevant parties in Hebei Province gave 21 responsible persons to party discipline and government affairs and organizational treatment. Among them, 3 people at the department level, 3 people at the county level, and 15 people at the rural level and below. The Hebei Provincial Bureau of Statistics impose administrative penalties for illegal enterprises that provide unreal statistical data.

Statistical violations of statistics from Wuxian County, Boai County, and Wen County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province also occupy a significant position in the National Bureau of Statistics.

The Law Enforcement Inspection Team of the National Bureau of Statistics conducted statistical law enforcement inspections on Wudi County, Boai County, and Wen County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province from July 20th to 28th, 2020. Statistics of enterprises, wholesale and retail enterprises and fixed asset investment projects are seriously false. Relevant parties of Wudi County, Boai County, and Wen County have instructed, instructed, ordered statistical survey objects or other institutions and personnel to provide unrealistic statistics; related towns (streets, industrial agglomeration areas) fabricated false data and filled in the statistical report forms ; Relevant personnel transfer, conceal, and abandon relevant certificates and materials to provide false situations. Relevant parties in Henan Province gave 38 responsible persons to party discipline and government affairs and organizational treatment. Among them, 3 people at the department level, 17 people at the county level, and 18 people at the rural level and below. The Henan Provincial Bureau of Statistics imposed administrative penalties for illegal enterprises that provide unreal statistical data.

Coincidentally. The Law Enforcement Inspection Team of the National Bureau of Statistics conducted statistical law enforcement inspections on Weijin County, Jinsha County and Pingba District of Anshun City in Bijie City, Guizhou Province from July 20th to 28th, 2020. Jinsha County and Pingba District of Anshun City, and Pingding County's non -set of labor salary statistics from some sample units are incorrect, and some wholesale and retail enterprises have lost statistics. The relevant departments of Jinsha County, Pingding County, and Pingba District have been instructed to force a set of labor salary statistics sample units to increase the total wages in the first quarter of 2020 in 2020; examine. Relevant parties in Guizhou provided 22 responsible persons to give party discipline and government affairs and organizational treatment. Among them, the county level was 1 person, and 21 people at the rural level and below. The Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Statistics imposed administrative penalties for illegal enterprises that provide unrealistic statistics. Statistical falsification, hurting face is even more injured

In the cases notified by the National Bureau of Statistics in the past two years, the phenomenon of instructions to report false data has appeared many times. Some localities and information departments interfere with corporate data in the name of "research", and some towns and villages even fill in corporate data.

"The local government gives the enterprise a variety of discounts, and the government allows multiple newspapers. We are embarrassed to refuse, and we cannot refuse." A person in charge of an industrial enterprise who was fined 200,000 yuan by the National Bureau of Statistics for Data False said that in the face of the requirements of local governments In fact, the company is in dilemma, not only worried about offending local leaders, but also worried that it will affect corporate credit reporting after being listed as a "statistical dishonest enterprise".

A northern provincial township cadre told reporters that he had previously attended two "interesting" meetings. The county was first met, and it was clearly required to complete the economic growth indicators of various towns and villages. Subsequently, the county had a meeting to prevent statistical data from falsifying. The township cadre said: "It is interesting that it is the same deputy county chief that conveys the spirit of the superiors. Even the deputy county chief laughed at himself, 'This is a meeting that makes fraud and a meeting that does not allow fraud.' "

In many cases of statistical violations that previously notified, individual counties and districts decompose tasks, and conduct assessments and punishments of various towns and villages, and the township chiefs of accountability are reached. The decomposition of the monthly decomposition and the implementation of the target task to key industries and enterprises, which seriously affects the quality of statistics.

The reporter noticed that before Zhang Jinghua was notified of the outlook on political achievements, and for the sake of personal progress, some officials were notified of data fraud.

In 2019, He Hongnian, former secretary of the Qishan County Party Committee of Shaanxi Province and the former secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone of Cai Jiapo Economic and Technological Development Zone, was opened. The report mentioned that he "violated work discipline, borrowed financial funds in violation of regulations, and arranged falsely reporting economic statistics."

Statistical data is an important basis for scientific decision -making. The quality of statistics directly determines the value of statistical information and affects the introduction of scientific decision -making.

Once economic data is fraud, it is huge. The last time the "economic data fraud" caused a large -scale discussion of the outside world was in 2017. According to media disclosure, when Wang Yan served as the secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, there was a pair of couplets circulating. The Shanglian is: the superior to the lower level, the layer of the layer, the horse to the success; Horizontal batch: Digital officials, officials out of numbers.

In March 2016, Wang Yan was investigated. After that, Chen Qiufa, then the governor of Liaoning, did something that shocked the outside world -the first publicly acknowledged data fraud. At that time, the economic data faked was not just Liaoning Province.

In 2017, the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection successively released the inspection and feedback of the 12th round of inspections of the Central Government. The results of the feedback point out that there are "some local economic data fraud" problems in Jilin and Inner Mongolia.

Earlier, the "China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine" published the article "False of the Politics and Rectification of Economic Data from Political". The article says that the fake economic data is on the surface is the business problem that the statistical department reports false data, but it is essentially a political issue and a behavior that seriously damages political discipline and political rules.

Zhang Jinghua is the first provincial and ministerial "tiger" that has been clearly stated that "falsifying economic data". On the day when Zhang Jinghua was doubled, on May 30, the National Bureau of Statistics held a "video conference on mobilization and deployment of statistical fraud, non -convergence, no convergence, no convergence,".

"Statistical fraud and fraud are the biggest corruption in the field of statistics and the greatest harm to the government's statistical credibility." Kang Yi, secretary of the party group and director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said at the meeting.

He mentioned that the current individual and local statistics are still in the problem of fraud and non -convergence, and we need to attach great importance to it, fully understand the long -term, complexity, and arduousness of the same statistics and fake behavior. "The sense of responsibility, the real knife and the real gun and the statistical fake acts fight.

He also mentioned that a group of major statistical violation cases, serious accountability cases, serious accountability and accountability leading cadres, reporting a group of typical cases of statistical counterfeiting cases, etc. The long -term mechanism of preventing punishment for counterfeiting, continuously consolidating and deepening the results of special rectification.

The accountability should be strengthened to statistical fraud

In recent years, the National Bureau of Statistics has insisted on investigating and punishing major statistics violations of laws and disciplines and violations of laws in various places, and actively promoted relevant regions and departments to serious accountability for statistical fraud responsible units and responsible persons.

Statistical data fraud occurred frequently. In addition to the objective factors such as repeated statistics, counting multiple doors, and incomplete basic data, the deeper reasons are the distorted political performance of "digital officials and official data". In many statistical fraud accountability lists, the relevant personnel responsible for the statistical work were dismissed, while the person in charge of the government was mostly talked about or administrative, and the individual was fired. The low cost of illegal illegal cost has become a major problem that needs to be solved in urgent need of statistical fraud.

According to the information released by the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics, from June 18, 2019 to June 18, 2020, a total of 102 companies in serious dishonesty in the publicity period due to unrealistic statistics are provided, involving 12 provinces.

Reporters of "Well -off" magazine and China Well -off network found that business and construction areas are the hardest hit areas of data doping. Among the 102 statistics companies, there are as many as 22 trade, sales, and department stores, and 11 related to building materials, buildings, and real estate.

Correspondingly, it has been found to have been found to have a fixed asset investment and the main business income data. In the investigated county statistical illegal cases, all the four limited -limit wholesale and retail enterprises who have been inspected and all false reporting statistics are reported, and the main business income is more than 30 times false.

In June 2017, the "Suggestions Suggestions Measures for Statistics of Statistics Violations and Violation Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Persons" stipulates that the "maximum processing period shall not exceed 1 year", and there is a disposal treatment. The authority of the authority shall notify the transfer of the transfer results within 6 months to inform the transfer of the transfer of the transfer; if the period needs to be extended, it may be appropriately extended, but the longest must not exceed 1 year.

During the year alone in 2019, the National Bureau of Statistics had issued four notifications. After a total of 23 statistical violation cases were transferred to the place, there was still no processing results after a year. The feedback from the statistical inspector also mentioned that many places have deviations in compacting and defense and punishment of statistical fraud and fraudulent responsibilities. The accountability of those responsible for statistics from discipline and violations needs to be strengthened.

From late October 2019 to early November, according to the Party Central Committee and the State Council authorized, the National Bureau of Statistics has established 11 statistical inspectors to carry out statistical inspectors on the above -mentioned areas and departments. This is also the first round of statistics inspectors carried out by my country.

From the perspective of statistical experts, the reason why statistical falsification is frequent is that local governments have done internal treatment, not reported in time, and may not be dealt with at all. No matter what the reason, at least it shows that local governments do not pay enough attention to statistical violations of laws.

Hu Jian, an associate professor at the Law Department of the Law School of Anhui University of Finance and Economics, said that GDP was widely used in various forms of political performance assessment. A few local governments have not firmly established a scientific concept of development and the correct concept of political achievements. There is often a tendency to overestimate. In addition, the statistical work is insufficient and weak, and some officials have no confidence in the new normal of economic and social development, and jointly bred the strange fetus of statistical fraud. "For local officials who advocate GDP growth, no matter how many reports are reported or squeezed out of thin air, as long as they can be transformed into political performance indicators, it is considered to be perfunctory. The degree of social harm is no less than corruption. "

Relevant experts suggest that the performance assessment mechanism of the local government must be diversified, and it is no longer possible to simply discuss heroes by GDP. The statistical department should give play to the advantages of understanding the history of the data indicators and the function of predicting development, and actively provide suggestions from the leaders of the local party committee and government, so that the determination of various indicators is in line with the reality of local economic development, so that the assessment is not only conducive to the economy and society. The development of the development is not adverse to statistics.

("Well -off" · China Well -off Exclusive Draft)

This article was published in "Well -off" in early August 2022

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