Interpretation of state -owned enterprises and state -owned enterprises | See how the eight major city -owned enterprise groups lead the beach emerging industries

Author:Foshan Daily Time:2022.08.10

Dare to be the first and stand up. The reform of the new round of state -owned enterprises in Foshan City has begun.

On August 8th, the Foshan City Deepening and State -owned Enterprise Reform Promotion Conference and Municipal Enterprise Group's centralized unveiling ceremony were unveiled. Essence

This big action corresponds to the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Reform of State -owned Enterprises and State -owned Enterprises to Promote the High -quality Development of State -owned Enterprises" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") on the key deployment of "Optimizing the Layout of State -owned Capital".

In the new round of reforms, Foshan's overall resources layout of the eight major city -owned enterprise groups, focusing on the main responsibility, clinging to basic, publicity, and leading positioning, and promoting state -owned and state -owned enterprises to further focus on important industries and key areas and key infrastructure. Concentrate towards the strategic industry, concentrate on superior enterprises with core competitiveness, build advantageous enterprises that match the city's status, and strive to create a new situation of high -quality development of state -owned enterprises in Foshan.

On August 4, the main tower of the east bank of the Fulong West River Bridge project was successfully capped. /Correspondent map

Give full play to state assets

Create a 100 billion -level industrial cluster

On August 8th, the first single building of the first phase of the Guangdong Medical Valley Yundonghai Life Science Park project was successfully capped and new progress was ushered in. The project is expected to be delivered in June next year. This is the first project introduced by Foshan Yundonghai Biomedical Port Industrial Park, with a total investment of 10 billion yuan. At present, the industrial park has introduced 2 over 10 billion yuan projects, 1 over 5 billion yuan projects, with more than 100 reserve projects, and the total investment of more than 80 billion yuan. Aiming at high -end pharmaceutical, high -end medical weapon, and high -end medical care, the industrial park has made a target of the construction goals of the 1000 billion new industrial platform.

The rise of this industrial park is one of Foshan's innovative implementation of the "State -owned Assets Leaders -Project Sudden -Equity Exit -Cycle Development" investment model and implement the results of investment recruitment linkage. "The new investment model mainly uses the function of industrial investment platforms, and vigorously introduces good projects and good enterprises." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission pointed out.

On August 4, Guangdong Medical Guyun East China Sea Life Science Park is in full swing. /Photo by Wang Yan, a reporter from Foshan Daily

In fact, as early as the drafting stage of the "Plan", the Municipal SASAC has begun to implement specific work measures. Last year, Foshan launched a pilot of reform of state -owned capital investment and operation companies. Corresponding to the specific deployment in the "Plan", the original Foshan Public Control Company and Foshan Road and Bridge Company were renamed to Foshan Holdings Group and Foshan Transportation Group.

According to interpretation, relying on the new investment model, the "two types of" companies will give full play to their role. Foshan Holdings Group has strengthened the function of industrial investment platforms to create a 50 billion yuan industrial fund group, continuously optimizing state -owned capital investment, service guarantee to ensure the city's investment promotion, listed company double -increase plans, and industrial transformation and upgrading. One of the key measures is the leading enterprise project that invests in a group of Foshan's industrial development strategic layout, leveraging social capital investment to improve the upstream and downstream industrial chain, and jointly create several hundreds of billions of industrial clusters. Foshan Transportation Group strengthens the function of investment and financing platforms for the transportation industry, increases investment layouts in major infrastructure and public transportation in highways, port terminals, and airport parks, innovative infrastructure investment and financing models, and "project + resources" with "project + resources". Methods to leverage social capital to participate in the construction of traffic infrastructure.

Serve the city's overall situation

Layout talent pharmaceutical field

Sort out the eight major cities in the "Plan", of which the newly established is the talent innovation platform and the medical material platform.

Talents are the first productive forces for enterprise development. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal SASAC pointed out that the establishment of Foshan Talent Group is an important measure to implement the development direction of a strong city. It will strengthen the investment cooperation of more mature and advanced talent service agencies in Foshan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, and make Foshan in the talent market. brand. Strengthen the main businesses such as talent services, the development and construction of science and technology parks, the construction and operation management of research and development platforms, and the transformation services of scientific research results. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal SASAC also revealed that Foshan Talent Group will also set up a new second -level enterprise talent development company, mainly to do a good job in Foshan's talent development services.

It is reported that the Foshan Talent Group will be responsible for the development and construction of professional parks such as the Talent Innovation Lighthouse Industrial Park. On June 23 this year, the talent innovation lighthouse industrial park of Buddhism has officially started. According to the plan, by 2030, the park will build the "Greater Bay Area Talent Gathered Land" and "National Independent Innovation Demonstration Highlands".

Lighthouse industrial park renderings.

Also noticeable is the Foshan Pharmaceutical Group. According to deployment, Foshan has established Foshan Pharmaceutical Group through industrial investment and investment linkage to focus on building main business such as medical recreation, medical supplies production and distribution, medical industry investment, biomedical industry finance, etc., and grant franchise franchise rights accordingly , Gradually inject other hospital resources.

It is understood that in order to improve Foshan's local new crown testing capabilities, in April of this year, Foshan Holdings Group introduced Guangdong Nanxin Medical Technology Co., Ltd., and played a "investment promotion" advantageous investment to establish Guangdong Xinhai Medical Testing Labs Co., Ltd. In the future, these medical testing shares will be injected into Foshan Medical Group.

Enhance the platform function

Normal stock asset resources

Newly pushed each other, and the sun is not stagnant. According to the "Plan" deployment, in addition to the new platform, the original platform has also been given new functions and new mission through optimization and improvement.

"Some of the existing assets of the industry and trade enterprises are still relatively large, and this requires it to increase services in the industrial field." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission introduced that the reorganized Foshan Industry and Trade Group will accelerate the existing assets of the enterprise Resource activation. For example, Sanlong Bay Company has Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, which can integrate the city's convention and exhibition resources and create the first brand of the National Industrial Association. Therefore, the development positioning of Foshan Industry and Trade Group is to actively deploy business segments such as industrial park services, industrial exhibition services, business circulation, and business services to support the transformation and development of Foshan's traditional advantage manufacturing industry. Also integrated in integration of resources are the transportation investment platform and rail development platform. The "Plan" deployment, Foshan Transportation Group will strengthen the sharing of transportation resources, effectively integration and overall planning, carry out market -oriented development and operation of resources such as bus stations, Lucheng Economy, and Municipal facilities, establish and improve the profit model of sustainable development, strengthen itself "Bleeding" and financing capabilities; Foshan Metro Group will be based on rail transit construction and operation, rail transit TOD project resource development and operation, rail transit industry and services, and other businesses. Subway assets and resource operation capabilities along the line.

On June 30, the main channel of the Longxiang Bridge project was fully opened. /Correspondent map

Not only that, the urban construction platform that was originally focused on the old transformation and real estate development also had new mission and tasks. The "Plan" proposes that the reorganized Foshan Jianfa Group gradually injects the equity of high -quality enterprises and enhances investment and financing capabilities. More importantly, the investment and development model of innovating urban construction, joint venture cooperation with state -owned enterprises in various districts, high -quality co -construction of major industrial parks in Foshan, and providing gathering space for the implementation of the investment project. For example, Foshan Yundonghai Biomedical Port Industrial Park is a joint venture cooperation with state -owned enterprises under Foshan Jianfa Group and district -owned state -owned enterprises.

In addition, in addition to continuing policy -based grain reserves, Foshan Materials Group will increase investment layouts in the fields of people's livelihood in agricultural product transactions and meat and vegetable markets, focusing on creating main business segments such as grain and oil reserves, emergency materials reserves, agricultural and sideline products and other main business segments , Coordinate the city's food, oil, meat, vegetables and other people's livelihood guarantees.

Text/Foshan Daily reporter Zhou Longfeng

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