Agricultural Issuing Zhenping County Sub -branch issued local regulatory grain acquisition loans

Author:Focusing point Time:2022.06.17

During the acquisition, the county's issuance of the issuance of the purchase of loans to the issuance of loans was implemented with credit supervision. The County Finance Bureau is responsible for the allocation of grain control acquisitions, warehouses and storage management expenses, and shall be supervised and inspected on regulating the implementation of relevant financial implementation. The County Food and Material Reserve Bureau is responsible for regulating the coordination and coordination of the acquisition work and the supervision and inspection of the safety of food storage. As the main body of the loan, Huinong Company strengthens the security management of funds in accordance with the requirements of the relevant system, ensures that the acquisition of funds is dedicated and closed for special funds, responsible for regulating food acquisition and management, disposal, and strengthening the storage management of grain safety storage.

Missing the company to participate in the acquisition throughout the process, the quality inspection team supervised the grain inspection and test indicators throughout the process, and formulated the number of grain processing and transformation quantity, quality, price formation mechanism, prepaid payment and settlement payment methods for grain transactions. Each storage enterprise is serious and responsible, give full play to the specialty of grain collection and storage business to ensure that the number of storage is consistent and storage safety.

As of the end of March 2022, Agricultural Introduction Zhenping County Sub -branch issued a total of 508 million yuan in local regulating grain acquisition loans, supporting enterprises to acquire 1870,000 tons of wheat, and increased the collection and storage costs for the grassroots grain acquisitions. The "leading processing enterprise+state -owned warehousing enterprise+policy financial institution" three -party cooperation in market regulation grain acquisition has been regulated.

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