Yue Sheng | Stability to stabilize the economic market with strong projects

Author:Yueyang Daily client Time:2022.06.17

With the strong support of the project, hold on the economic market

The second theory stabilizes the economic market and vowed to win the victory of the "Conference Battle"


"To stabilize the economic market, we must always put high -quality development to a more prominent position, solve development problems in development methods, and create work creatively." Recently, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has specially conveyed the implementation of the central government and provincial stabilization of the economic market. In the spirit of the document meeting, Cao Puhua, secretary of the municipal party committee, repeatedly emphasized that "highlighting the project as the king and running out of the acceleration."

Facing the overlapping pressure of the economy and the impact of the epidemic, the central government has clear requirements for stabilizing the economic market. There are special deployments in the province, and Yueyang has urgent need. Analyzing the main economic indicators from January to May, Yueyang ranked at the forefront of the province, and economic development was "stable and stressful." The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have high hopes for Yueyang and the heavy responsibility: "Take the initiative to take the initiative, be brave, and make development indicators to become bigger and stronger, and play a role in stabilizing the province's economy." Trust is responsibility, and expectations should be motivation. We must efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, maintain the "acceleration" of project construction, and stabilize the city's economic development "basic market".

Economic development, the project is king. Especially as a key project, it is an important starting point for expanding investment, stable growth, excellent supply, and shortcomings. It is also a "first support" of high -quality development. The broader market provides important motivation and strong support. It is necessary to adhere to the project, focus on the planning of the project, go all out to accelerate the construction of the project, strive to expand effective investment, and provide strong support for economic development. On the basis of ensuring that "GDP exceeds 480 billion yuan and local fiscal revenue exceeds 18.5 billion yuan", it is fully digging, increasing efficiency, and strong energy, and strive to make greater breakthroughs.

The project is stable, and the economic market will be stable. Recently, a series of policies and measures have been introduced in the Central and Provincial Central Committee and the province. The city has also made a set of stable growth "combination boxing". The finance has taken 19 stable growth, and the bank has strengthened financial support from 11 aspects. The new round of policy "window period" has been fully opened, involving a wide range of gold and high gold content. The priority is to do a good job in landing, implement it as soon as possible, strengthen the docking policies and strive for projects, implement preferential policy support projects, accelerate the transformation of policy dividends into project advantages, and transform into development effectiveness.

The good players seek momentum, and the good conspirators are far away. We must grasp the national macro policy advanced effort window period, seize the major opportunities for the moderate advancement of infrastructure, find the combination of policies, and step up the planning to reserve a group of large projects that are founded, long -term, and upper levels. Highlight the industrial investment vigorously, and continue to recruit strong and strong. The ethylene project should ensure construction in the second half of the year, and the ingenuamide project will test production in March next year. Central South University's deformation magnesium alloy and optoelectronic new material laboratory project will be landed on schedule. Accelerate landing and start construction as soon as possible to form more physical workloads; at the same time, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a batch of projects such as transportation, energy, urban construction, water conservancy, and the preliminary work of major projects such as the Changyuejiu and Changjiu Railway, and strive to achieve production in advance for production and production in advance. Scheduled Tasks.

Focus on the continuous efforts of the project, expand the increase, revitalize the stock, and improve the quality. All localities and departments should pay attention to the "source living water" of the project. Signing projects have landed, accelerate the progress of project construction, and promote the completion of major projects; we must give full play to the role of the "command stick", always maintain the strong situation of introducing major projects, and create a powerful engine of transformation and transition and accelerate development.

Hundreds of strokes, and the rapids are advancing. It is currently the "window period", the critical period, but also the tackling period and the test period. The city must concentrate on focusing on projects, stable growth, and promoting development, go all out to fight the strong attack war in the project construction, build a strong magnetic field of the business environment, steadily move forward with the economic broader market, and use the light of Yueyang to add color to the whole area of ​​Hunan!

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