Self -top?The US CPI in July fell slightly, and the expectation of interest rate hikes is still there

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.08.10

Zhongxin Jingwei, August 10th. On the evening of the 10th Beijing time, the US CPI data was announced in July: In July, the CPI was increased by 8.5%year -on -quarter, an expected increase of 8.7%, and the previous value increased by 9.1%. In July, the core CPI was transferred by 5.9%year -on -year, and it was expected to increase by 6.1%, and the previous value increased by 5.9%.

Earlier, Reuters predicts that due to the sharp decline in gasoline costs, the increase in US consumer prices in July would be much slower.

Photo source: US Labor Statistics Bureau website

Specifically, the food index in the United States rose 1.1%in July, and dairy products and related product indexes increased by 1.7%month -on -month. Meat, poultry, fish and egg index rose 0.5%. Energy prices fell 4.6%, and gasoline prices fell 7.7%. This offsets the impact of rising food prices and increased housing costs by 0.5%.

However, the Wall Street Journal reported that American economist BLERINA URUCI said: "Even if the overall inflation is slowed down due to weak energy prices, the core inflation is still high, and the Fed may maintain its tightening tendency."

After the CPI data was announced, the three major stock index futures of the U.S. stock index rose. The Nasdae Futures rose more than 2%, the Dowed Futures rose 1%, and the S & P 500 Index futures rose 1.5%.

In addition, according to data from the U.S. Department of Labor last Friday, the average salary in July increased by 5.2%compared with the same period of the previous year, and the annual salary of each month has increased by more than 5%year -on -year.

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the significant growth of workers' salaries is also one of the factors that have led to a 40 -year high of inflation in the United States. There are also forecasting agencies saying, "This allows companies under the high inflation environment to pass these costs to consumers."

According to data released in July, the actual domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter calculated by 0.9%at an annual rate, and the economy declined in two consecutive quarters.

Previously, in order to cope with inflation pressure, the Fed has accumulated a total of 225 basis points since March.

The recent signal revealed by the Federal Reserve Chairman Powell is that the tolerance of the monetary authorities on the slowdown of the economy will continue to raise interest rates until inflation returns to the target level. Earlier, Fed Chairman Powell stated that there may be a significant interest rate hike at the regular meeting of monetary policy. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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