[Comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization] Burzin: Chinese herbal medicine has a good "money" scene

Author:Burjin County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.08.11

The unique geographical advantages and high -quality soil conditions of Burzin County provide strong guarantee for the local traditional Chinese medicine and rich people industry. It also provides new kinetic energy for the development of high -efficiency ecological boutique agriculture and creating a special planting industry.

On August 8th, the reporter saw in the Chinese herbal medicine base of Songyuan Forest Fruit Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in Burjin County that a blooming snow chrysanthemum, fetal chrysanthemum, safflower made people love, and the freshly harvested snow chrysanthemums and fetal chrysanthemums Drying in the processing plant, Xueju's picking period is divided into two batches, and the second batch of picking periods starts from early August to the end of September.

Burjin County Songyuan Forest Fruit Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has newly developed 400 acres of land to plant snow chrysanthemum, fetal chrysanthemum, safflower, lavender and other Chinese herbal medicines. Since July, these Chinese herbal medicines have entered a flowering period. The first batch of harvests, during the harvest period, the Chinese herbal medicine base resolved many of the local employment of the local wealthy labor, and attracted many tourists to stop and watch.

"Our company has been planted with Chinese herbal medicines such as snow chrysanthemum, safflower, lavender and other varieties since the end of May. The second batch of snow chrysanthemums will start to harvest immediately, and it can continue until mid-September. The labor force has solved the employment position of the local people. It has also achieved income. This year, the growth of Chinese herbal medicine is generally good, which makes me confident. "Said Yelganati Mate, technician of Songyuan Forest Fruit Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

This year, Burzin County planted Chinese herbal medicinal materials as agricultural efficiency, and important measures for farmers 'income to increase their income. Through policy guidance, corporate leadership, large households, farmers' participation, accelerating the development of the Chinese medicinal materials industry, and promoting the county's high -quality development. It is understood that the county has grown a total of 1,300 acres of licorice, 400 acres of peony and 1,000 acres of ornamental Chinese herbal medicine, with more than ten species. (Wen Tu/Mili)

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