Summary: Overseas public opinion: foreign trade data exceeds expectations to highlight China's economic toughness and potential

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.11

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 11: Overseas public opinion: foreign trade data exceeds expectations to highlight China's economic toughness and potential

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The China Customs General Administration released data a few days ago. In the first seven months of this year, the total value of import and export import and export in my country was 23.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.4%year -on -year. Foreign trade overcome many adverse effects and achieve rapid growth. Among them, the exports of US dollars in July increased by 18%year -on -year, which is higher than overseas media and economists. Overseas media and experts believe that the latest foreign trade data highlights China's economic toughness and provides support for the continued development of China's economy.

The Wall Street Journal reported that China's exports have shown a strong recovery trend in recent months. By July, it still shows the surprising toughness, which once again broke the expectations of the global demand for Chinese manufacturing products. Official data show that the year -on -year growth rate of China's exports exceeded the median value of the newspaper.

The article published by Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" stated that China's exports with US dollars in July increased by 18%year -on -year, higher than the estimated median value of many professional research institutions. The cumulative export growth rate from January to July was faster than expected, breaking the expectations of the weakening of global demand to stress on trade, and also provided strong support for the Chinese economy.

Bangbang Surwono, chairman of the Indonesian Think Tank Asian Innovation Research Center, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that China's latest export data performed brightly, showing that China's manufacturing capacity has recovered rapidly. Thanks to the rebound of exports, the Chinese economy is expected to continue to strengthen and strengthen in the next few months.

Singapore's current political commentator Weng Desheng said that the latest data reflects the stability of foreign trade and economy in China in the first 7 months of this year. It once again proves that mutual benefit and win -win is the right way to boost the world economy.

Brundan Erheng, chief investment officer of the United States Kim Rui Fund, said that China's latest export data is strong and is a strong indicator for the continued growth of the world economy under the impact of sharpness.

Nicholas Lady, a senior researcher at the Institute of International Economic Research Institute of the US Think Tank Peter Sen, told Xinhua News Agency that exports continued to rise beyond expectations, showing that China's economic competitiveness increased.

Evantero Caviholi, the head of the Pakistani Research Center of the Brazilian Wagasky Gallery, said that the latest data shows that China has necessary conditions to continue to achieve sustainable and high -quality growth. With the development of the economy, the number of middle -income people will continue to expand, and these factors will help China's economy to achieve a virtuous circle and continue to develop.

Larus, founder and chairman of the Schiller Research Institute of German Think Tank, is very optimistic about China's future economic development. He believes that China's economic toughness is that China always emphasizes scientific and technological innovation. China takes scientific and technological innovation as the core driving force for development, and it is worth learning in other countries in focusing on scientific and technological innovation and promoting sustainable development. China's achievements have made countries see that the correct development concept and unremitting scientific and technological innovation are the source of the power of sustainable economic development.

Cai Weicai, senior vice president of Kaitai Bank of Thailand, said that China has a large population and huge markets, China's economy has huge development potential and toughness, and China's export trade still has achieved good growth during the epidemic situation, which is valuable. While China has stabilized the domestic market, it has made every effort to expand overseas markets, promote cross -border international trade and investment, and drive its own and regional economic development.

Vietnamese scholar Du Qiuqiu said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that China, as the world's second largest economy, under the context of global challenges such as the new crown epidemic, has full economic toughness, strong development potential and motivation, and bright prospects.

[Editor in charge: Wang Jianing]

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