The "Sichuan Provincial Expressway Regulations" for the first time in 6 years has revised the four major changes in the past six years, it is worthy of attention

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.17

Cover reporter Cao Fei

On June 9th, the "Sichuan Provincial Expressway Regulations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") amended a revision resolution was passed by high votes. This is the first revision of the "Regulations" since December 1, 2015.

On the basis of maintaining the current framework, the "Regulations", combined with the reality of Sichuan management, increased the policy measures and practical results of the transformation and development of highways into legal norms. Thirteen.

On the afternoon of June 17, the reporter interviewed the Sichuan Provincial Transportation Law Enforcement Corps (High Management Bureau) to interpret the four major aspects of the Regulations.

Change one: Clarify the management responsibilities of all parties

According to the reality of the reform of Sichuan institutions, the "Regulations" clarify the province's highway management agencies to perform highway transportation comprehensive administrative law enforcement and highway operation management, operational service supervision, safety supervision, emergency response and other industrial supervision and management duties.

At the same time, the reform requirements of the classification of public institutions were implemented, and the provincial transportation authorities were clearly undertaken by the provincial transportation authority to undertake the functional approval function of the highway, and realized the "one window acceptance" and "one window to do".

Changes 2: Innovative industry supervision methods

The "Regulations" stipulate that a new highway regulatory mechanism based on credit is established, and credit rewards and punishments are carried out in accordance with laws and regulations, guiding highway traffic participants in integrity operations, integrity travel, and creating honest and trustworthy transportation environment.

At the same time, draw on the legislative experience of Zhejiang and other provinces, and clearly clearly ensure that under the premise of ensuring safety, overhead spaces under the highway under the boundary of urban development can be used for public welfare purposes such as greening and green road construction, mass leisure, sports and fitness.

In this way, the value of the use of highway facilities is extended, the needs of urban and rural residents, but also saving the land resources needed for urban development. The sense of happiness, sense of security, and security are of great significance.

Change three: boost green and low -carbon development

The "Regulations" stipulate that the principles of implementing effectively protecting cultivated land and saving land in highway construction land planning, and effectively serve the construction of ecological civilization.

In addition, the "Regulations" increase the relevant content of smart high -speed construction, clearly promote the integration and development of the transportation infrastructure network with the transportation service network, information network, and energy network, establish a co -construction and sharing mechanism for highway data, and implement an innovation -driven development strategy.

The "Regulations" also clarify that highways can implement differentiated fees according to the situations such as different sections, periods, models, and payment methods, further improve the efficiency of highway traffic, save traffic costs, and reduce energy consumption emissions.

Combined with the reality of becoming more and more popular in new energy vehicles, the Regulations will improve the relevant provisions of providing energy supply services for highway service areas to provide energy supply services, and focus on improving the level of highway services.

Change 4: Optimized the transportation and business environment

The "Regulations" will be adjusted to calculate the efficiency and service quality of highway traffic in accordance with national regulations, and adjust the rules of high -speed road vehicles such as non -pass cards and other situations. Users' legitimate rights and interests.

In accordance with the spirit of law legislation of laws and regulations such as the "Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Optimization of the Regulations on Business Environment", combined with law enforcement practice, adding "refusal to correct" related content in part of the penalty terms, adjusting the amount of fines, reflecting education and punishment Combining and tolerance and prudent supervision principles, guide and urge traffic participants to operate and travel civilized through flexible supervision methods.

(The picture is provided by the High Management Bureau of the Department)

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