Continue to increase support for the real economy

Author:Gansu Public Security Time:2022.06.17

New Gansu · Gansu Daily reporter Cao Liping

Financial work, economic work; stable finance, stable economy.

How to strengthen the supporting role of finance on the real economy and ensure that our province's policy measures to stabilize the economy's package are implemented? Recently, the Lanzhou Center Sub -branch interpreted the relevant policies of the "Implementation Plan for Implementing the Implementation of the Economic Package Policy and Measures".

"Since the beginning of this year, the Bank of Lanzhou Center Sub -branch has resolutely implemented the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the People's Bank of China's head bank to stabilize the company's rescue decision -making deployment, put the stable economic growth in a more prominent position, and urge financial institutions to make good use of long -term available funds for the release of three reductions. Implement the optimization of deposit interest rate supervision measures, stabilize the cost of bank capital, and continue to increase support for key areas and weak links. "The relevant person in charge of the Lanzhou Central Branch introduced.

As of the end of April, the balance of various loans in the province was 2.47 trillion yuan, an increase of 79.503 billion yuan from the beginning of the year. The province's re -loan balance was 23.6 billion yuan, an increase of 72%year -on -year. The province's small and micro enterprise loans, green loans, and medium- and long -term loans in the manufacturing industry increased by 10.82%, 15.55%, and 64.2%, respectively, all higher than the average growth rate of various loans in the province.

According to reports, there are 7 monetary and financial policies in the "Implementation Plan". On the basis of national policies such as refining the loan delay to repay the principal and interest, increase the support of inclusive micro -loan, promote the steady interest rate of the actual loan, improve the financing efficiency of the capital market, and guide financial institutions to increase project construction support, etc. Two new measures are added. One is to establish a work ledger for market entities with loans in the province; the other is to use the provincial public credit information platform to amplify the effect of provincial financing credit service platforms.

"The Lanzhou Center Sub -branch will actively act in accordance with the requirements of the" Implementation Plan "to actively act, stabilize, amplification, reduce costs, promote reforms, promote precision dripping policies, direct access to quickly, and timely benefit the trapped groups and key areas to help Stabilize the economic market. "Said the person in charge of the Lanzhou Center Sub -branch.

The person in charge stated that the Lanzhou Center Sub -branch of the Bank will continue to use the branch agricultural branch small re -loan, actively promote the newly created carbon emission reduction support tools, support coal clean and efficient use of special re -loan, scientific and technological innovation special loan, transportation and logistics special reinstatement Structural monetary policy tools such as loans have been effective, and encourage financial institutions to grasp key projects, key areas, key industries, and key entities, fully tap effective credit needs, solidly cultivate project cultivation, increase loans, extend the loan period, and effectively increase the addition of loan periods. The credit support for infrastructure construction and major projects of water conservancy, transportation, energy, and energy, and further stabilize the support of financial support for the real economy.

At the same time, focus on strengthening the financial support of the influence of the affected group, organize the special activities of "loaning Longyuan to benefit the people and the people" to stabilize enterprises, and promote financial institutions to make full efforts to increase the financial maintenance of market entities, protect employment, and protect people's livelihood. Support. For small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial household loans, truck loans, and temporarily encounter difficult personal mortgage consumer loans, support banks to extend the principal and interest during the year.

In addition, the Bank of Lanzhou Center Sub -branch will play the guiding role of LPR, implement the adjustment mechanism of market -oriented deposit interest rate marketization, and drive corporate loan interest rates to decline steadily. Strictly implement policies and measures such as reducing bank account service charges, reducing RMB transfer remittance fees, and reducing bank card card swiping fees, etc., and further reduce the operating costs of market entities. Efforts to strengthen financing docking, strengthen information sharing, work coordination and project docking with the industry authority, increase the coordination of monetary policy and fiscal policies, and industrial policies, promote the improvement of financial support for financial support enterprises in the jurisdiction, pass monetary policy tools to entities, and entities, and entities, entities, and entity, To the "last mile" of the project, to the enterprise.

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