Agriculture is promising!Guangxi Agricultural Brand has promoted the total value of "Guipin out of the country" brand value of more than 320 billion yuan

Author:Guangxi Daily Time:2022.08.12

Liubao Tea, Jasmine, Wo Mantu, Passion Fruit, Mango ... Guangxi, which has many specialty agricultural products, is promoting "Gui Pin to the home" by creating agricultural brands.

The reporter learned from the Guangxi Agricultural and Rural Department on the 11th that local agricultural brand construction has played an increasingly obvious role in promoting rural revitalization and promoting local economic development. As of the end of 2021, the total output value of Guangxi's agricultural brand reached 139.7 billion yuan, with a total brand value of more than 320 billion yuan, driving 9.65 million rural employment population.

According to the person in charge of the Guangxi Agricultural and Rural Department, in recent years, the measures for building agricultural brands in recent years have continued to "increase", and a series of documents have been introduced to establish a set of agricultural brand systems. The Guangxi Agricultural Brand Catalog was created, and 411 "Guangxi Hao" brand was selected. Selected the "Guangxi Hao" brand participation in the Chinese agricultural brand catalog, the Chinese brand value evaluation regional brand 100, and China's agricultural product regional public brand market competitive brand and market competitiveness brand list, the influence has increased significantly. A green organic landmark certification system is formed.

Through the above -mentioned measures, a number of agricultural brands of Guizi have stood out. The first batch of Chinese agricultural brands of the Agricultural and Rural Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Agricultural Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Agriculture, including 100 -color mango, is the leading number in the country. 10 brands such as Luchuan Pig were selected in 2021. In 2021, the competitive brand and market competitive brand of public brands in China's agricultural products region are the first in the country. Nine brands including Hengxian Jasmine Tea were selected in the top 100 Chinese brand value evaluation regional brands in 2021.

The popularity and influence of agricultural brands have continued to increase, and it has also effectively promoted "Guipin to the home." In 2021, Guangxi held a nationwide large -scale production and sales docking activity including the production and sales of agricultural products in the country (Guangxi), including the rural rejuvenation activities (Guangxi), and reached the amount of cooperation intention to exceed 23 billion yuan. Holding the "online" event of Guangxi Agricultural Products, cultivating a number of high -quality agricultural product e -commerce brands such as Liuzhou snail powder. In 2021, the sales of Liuzhou snail powder network exceeded 5 billion yuan, ranking first on the sales of rice noodles on Alibaba Platform.

In order to further promote the interconnection of agricultural and merchants, improve the agricultural supply chain facilities, Guangxi has also increased capital investment, innovated and constructed the digital production of brand agricultural products, and built 70 "Guangxi Hao" digital production positions; implemented the establishment of a cold chain logistics construction of agricultural product warehousing storage storage in five years In action, there were 1965 refrigerated fresh -keeping facilities in the origin of agricultural products, and more than 200,000 tons were built.

The person in charge of the Guangxi Agricultural and Rural Department stated that in the next step, the local area will aim at the "Gui Zi" brand agricultural product pricing power, establish and improve the agricultural brand system system, and create high -quality agricultural products and high -quality brand services.

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