Domestic CPU Giant today's second largest shareholder of A -share listing is Chengdu state -owned assets

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.08.12

Today (August 12), the A -share market ushered in a domestic CPU giant company. Haiguang Information (688041, SH) landed on the science and technology board, and the opening of the market rose 94.44%. Essence

Haiguang Information creates the largest semiconductor IPO this year. In fact, the CPU, as the "tower spire" and "crown" products in the field of semiconductor chip design, is the cornerstone of the information technology era. In this market that has been monopolized by foreign giants for a long time, the emergence of Haiguang information has given the market a domestic chip.

Nowadays, A shares are listed and attracted much attention from the market. In fact, Haiguang Information has always been the "darling" of capital. Many unique companies have successfully invested before and have a lot of benefits. At present, Haiguang Information is the second largest shareholder of Chengdu, including Chengdu Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chengdu Industrial Group), including Chengdu Industrial Group Co., Ltd., with a total shareholding ratio of nearly 20%.

The unique investment of 6 years ago has some major strategic significance for Chengdu. Today, an insider of Chengdu Industry Group told the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that Chengdu's investment in Haiguang information is not just an important investment, but its strategic significance is: on the one hand It is also to promote Chengdu's upgrade and industrial chain in the electronic information industry.

Chengdu state -owned shareholder behind the domestic CPU giant

A domestic CPU giant A shares listed.

At 9:30 in the morning, the opening of Haiguang information rose 94.44%, and the opening price was 70 yuan per share. Subsequently, the highest price in the market was 73.8 yuan, and the company's issuance price was 36 yuan, which means that the highest signature (500 shares) can make a maximum profit of 18,900 yuan. Haiguang Information became another "big meat in the domestic capital market this year. sign".

The market value of Haiguang Information is approaching 140 billion yuan, which is also rare in the science and technology board, because as of the close of today, in addition to Haiguang Information, there are only 5 companies with a market value of science and technology boards exceeding 100 billion yuan.

This time, the total amount of funds raised by Haiguang Information was 10.8 billion yuan. The total amount of funds raised also created the largest IPO of the science and technology board since this year. "Daily Economic News" reporter noticed that as of now, there are only five for the total raised funds raised by science and technology boards.

In fact, the value of such a big bull stock has been discovered by capital in the early days. Among them, the second largest shareholder is Chengdu state -owned assets, including Chengdu Industrial Group, Chengdu High -tech Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Chengdu High -tech Collection Technology Co., Ltd., all of which are state -owned assets of Chengdu, with a total shareholding ratio of nearly 20%.

Among them, Chengdu Industrial Group currently holds 168 million Haiguang Information, with a shareholding ratio of 7.21%. The market value of this part has exceeded 10 billion yuan.

"Daily Economic News" reporter noticed that Chengdu Industry Group was reorganized at the end of 2017, and its predecessor was Chengdu Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chengdu Industrial Investment Group). How did Chengdu Industrial Group invested in Haiguang Information in the early days of vision, which is now the big bull stock?

"The electronic information industry has always been the pillar industry in Chengdu's key development. The project in the field of CPU domestic alternatives is also a project that we focus on." The insiders inside Chengdu Industry Group revealed to reporters that in 2015, we learned in the process of trading projects and investment. Domestic leading companies are vigorously deploying the field. "We have made some judgments. I think the most likely is the Haiguang information of Zhongke Shuguang."

"At that time, we reported the project information for the first time. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government felt that this was a big opportunity. We carried out the dawn of China Science and Technology. Later investment and decision -making are also very efficient." Therefore, Chengdu has a team responsible for the investment.

In 2016, Chengdu's state -owned assets invested in Haiguang. According to the previous disclosure of Zhongke Shuguang, Chengdu Industrial Investment Group and its affiliated parties invested in Haiguang Information through capital increase in 2016 and subscribed for 650 million yuan.

In recent years, Hai Guang's information has grown rapidly. The growth of the company's revenue has also made domestic chips in the market structure of the oligopoly monopoly of the CPU, and domestic chips have also gained more right to speak.

Today, Haiguang Information is the X86 architecture CPU company with the same domestic product performance as the world's leading enterprises in China. The products have been highly recognized by many important users in China. They have been widely used in important industries or fields such as telecommunications, finance, and the Internet. Expansion capacity. Last year, Haiguang Information achieved revenue of 2.31 billion yuan and net profit of 327 million yuan.

Haiguang Information has attracted a lot of attention to the market this time. For Chengdu state -owned assets, including Chengdu Industry Group, the significance of investing in Haiguang Information is only a small part of it.

"Making money is not the purpose of our investment. In fact, we have always regarded it as a business, not pure financial investment. Next, we will continue to pay attention to and support Haiguang information."

Help trillion Chengdu electronic information industry upgrade and develop

Driving the upstream and downstream industries, and even helping the upgrade and development of Chengdu trillion electronic information industry, it is also the significance behind the investment.

The above -mentioned insiders of Chengdu Industry Group said that after the national investment in 2016, Haiguang Information settled its design company to Chengdu. "There may be thousands of people in Chengdu now." "Daily Economic News" reporter noticed that Haiguang Information under Haiguang Information Design companies in Chengdu include Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Haiguang Integration) and Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Haiguang Microelectronics).

Among them, Haiguang Integration is the main business of high -end processors for research and development, design, sales, etc., which achieved a net profit of more than 700 million yuan last year. The main business of Haiguang Microelectronics is the core R & D design of high -end processors. 2.4 billion.

What does the domestic CPU leading enterprise design team land in Chengdu? What does this mean for Chengdu's electronic information industry? The electronic information industry is currently one of the industries in Chengdu's key development, and the total scale of 2020 has exceeded trillion.

The person said that the successful investment of Chengdu and other Chengdu industrial groups such as Chengdu Industry Group is also the strategic significance of its strategic significance: on the one hand, it has promoted domestic alternatives, and on the other hand, it is also to promote Chengdu's upgrading and industrial chain collaboration in the electronic information industry.

It further states that according to the smile curve theory, the added value in the industrial chain is more reflected in both ends, that is, the front -end intellectual property and back -end brands. At present, Haiguang Information puts the design team in Chengdu. It should be said that after Chengdu has captured the front end, it is good for our entire domestic replacement, and it has gradually improved the ability of Chengdu's research and development design. "Driven by these leading projects, from the original manufacturing, now with high -end design, Chengdu has formed an industrial status that has influential in China and even the world. Give play to the leading role of chain -owned enterprises. "

In fact, in terms of the electronic information industry, Chengdu Industrial Group has been continuously through capital investment to help Chengdu's industrial upgrading and development. Science and technology board listed companies that have direct or indirect investment include XGIMI Technology and AVIC UAV. Coupled with the successful listing of these companies such as Haiguang Information, it is of great significance for Chengdu's related industries in the fields of energy level quality, synergy level, and element gathering.

In addition, the Chengdu Technology Innovation Investment Group, which was established 51%of the Chengdu Industry Group, was set up in Chengdu Science and Technology Innovation Investment Group to deploy new industries such as aerospace, intelligent manufacturing, chip semiconductors, high -end software, biomedicine and other industries. In May this year, Chengdu Industry Group's Chengdu Heavy Production Fund participated in the "East Digital West Calculation" National Integrated Big Data Center Chengyu hub node -the largest artificial intelligence computing center in Southwest China was also officially launched.

At the same time, in order to seize the strategic development opportunities of "Carbon Dafeng" and "Carbon neutrality", the heavy production fund of Chengdu Industrial Group and the chain main enterprise China Innovation Airlines Technology Co., Ltd. The fund's "ecological cooperation demonstration -China Innovation Air Force 50GWH power battery and energy storage system Chengdu base project's first phase of the project has started construction. It only took 59 days from the docking to landing as a tens of billions of projects, which gave full play to the role of capital recruitment. "The project will effectively drive the landing and downstream industries of the lithium battery to Chengdu, bringing a significant contribution to the regional economic development. At the same time, thanks to the advantages of AVIC lithium battery in industrial development and industry resources, the project's landing further attracts industry leading supporting enterprises to settle in and promotes promotion The development of Chengdu's new energy industry has further extended the ecological chain, innovation chain, supporting chain, and value chain of the automotive industry, and accelerated the construction of an advanced automotive industry ecosystem. "According to reports, it is reported.

Chengdu Industry Group, a state -owned capital investment company with a diverse layout, has been moving towards the target of accurately realizing the "same frequency resonance" of the city's economic development and industrial transformation. The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Industry Group introduced this, "We focus on the integration of a strong chain of the industrial construction circle to help build the modern industrial system, actively carry out the 100 -day tackling operation of advanced manufacturing, closely follow the industrial chain recruitment, and make good use of the use of the industry chain. The "Industry+Fund 'Local Development Model has promoted a number of major industrialized projects such as the CEC8.6 generation line and Tongwei solar energy, and contributed to Chengdu's industrial transformation and upgrading."

As an important participant in the economic transformation and upgrading of this city, Chengdu Industrial Group has used "industrial investment, industrial real estate, industrial services, industrial finance" as the four core main business to cultivate a large number of high -precision special enterprise projects and promote the industrial chain chain The deep integration of the supply chain and the innovation chain is accelerating to move towards the first -class state -owned capital investment and operation company in China, and strive to become an important state -owned enterprise in the tide of industrial reform in Chengdu.

Daily Economic News

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